So what? If a decent sized ship trys to hit a wind farm, he will probaly be aground long before he hits it, they tend to to be on sandbanks, in about 15' of water! If a capyain is stupid enough to hit a windfarm, with all the modern equipment they now have, thats his own fault, unless of course the vessel is disabled. However what would happen if he did hit a windfarm, be a bit of damage to the windgenerator, but, so what?
This is not the first time a ship has hit a platform, quite a common occurance, supply boats often nudge them and drilling rigs, ours gave us a nudge last week!
I think there is something of a different situation between a suppy/standby vessel nudging a rig and a ship on passage doing it. As far as electronics meaning that it wont happen, I personaly think it makes it worse as there becomes to much reliance upon them.
/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif Great to see the most basic of basic colregs (looking where you are going) being ignored yet again. Or am I just feeling grumpy ?