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Garmin GPS 120 user\'s guide.
Can anyone please help!!
I am after the user guide for the garmin gps 120 fixed model.
I have downloaded one from the internet but the buttons what it tells you to press have not come up clear to read.
So if anyone has got a redundent one they do not need or they know of a sight which will give me clearer picture other then the Garmin sight it would be very much appreciated.
If somebody has a redundent one i will send a stamped adressed envelope.
Hope someone can help!
The manual is dated 1995.
Can anyone please help!!
I am after the user guide for the garmin gps 120 fixed model.
I have downloaded one from the internet but the buttons what it tells you to press have not come up clear to read.
So if anyone has got a redundent one they do not need or they know of a sight which will give me clearer picture other then the Garmin sight it would be very much appreciated.
If somebody has a redundent one i will send a stamped adressed envelope.
Hope someone can help!
The manual is dated 1995.