My genoa wouldn't unfurl today( facnor on Beneteau Oceanis). Finally realised that it is twisted at the top of the mast. I need to understand how this happened please and best remedy. Thanks. Alan
This one drove me mad too. Answer = your 'upper bearing twister thingie' should be close to mast head. Use a short rope from head of genoa to 'thingie' to allow this.
This one drove me mad too. Answer = your 'upper bearing twister thingie' should be close to mast head. Use a short rope from head of genoa to 'thingie' to allow this.
keep the halyard tight and use a halyard deflector
There's a song in this somewhere…
You say deflector I say diverter
You say...
keep the halyard tight and use a halyard deflector
keep the halyard tight and use a halyard deflector
My genoa wouldn't unfurl today( facnor on Beneteau Oceanis). Finally realised that it is twisted at the top of the mast. I need to understand how this happened please and best remedy. Thanks. Alan