New member
I am restoring 'Tehani' in an industrial shipyard here in Arica, Chile.
I live aboard, but don't have a dog.
Yet suddenly have a plague of tiny, very active fleas aboard.
They drive me nuts.
Believe it or not, I suspect they are vulture fleas !
Hundreds of vultures spend their nights perched on 60 meter fishing boats
around us.
As soon as it gets light they begin their
pecking order skirmishes
on 'Tehani' until I get up and chase them away.
Any leads to a Zoo's carrion birds-keeper?
I have tried the commercial anti - flea Sprays
- not only are they highly toxic
and full of fine-print-warnings,
- they are not that effective either.
Any idea of how to get rid of my tiny bloodsuckers in an organic/natural
Any idea at all ? - I'm sitting in front of this computer, scratching....
I am restoring 'Tehani' in an industrial shipyard here in Arica, Chile.
I live aboard, but don't have a dog.
Yet suddenly have a plague of tiny, very active fleas aboard.
They drive me nuts.
Believe it or not, I suspect they are vulture fleas !
Hundreds of vultures spend their nights perched on 60 meter fishing boats
around us.
As soon as it gets light they begin their
pecking order skirmishes
on 'Tehani' until I get up and chase them away.
Any leads to a Zoo's carrion birds-keeper?
I have tried the commercial anti - flea Sprays
- not only are they highly toxic
and full of fine-print-warnings,
- they are not that effective either.
Any idea of how to get rid of my tiny bloodsuckers in an organic/natural
Any idea at all ? - I'm sitting in front of this computer, scratching....