Fruits du Mer Turkish Style?


8 Mar 2004
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Owright! Catchin' fish then!

E med, Turkey & Greek islands in particular.

Lobsters are frequently seen on menus hereabouts there yet there seem to be no pots at sea. Suppose they must be diver caught then. But why? Is there a reason - beyond habit, why E Med fishermen do not use pots? Don't Med lobsters like rotten fish heads then?
Has anyone tried catching Med lobbies with pots? Anyone got designs for such or advice on their use? (don't get caught apart)

More, more!!
When are squid to be caught on lines? (time of year I mean...)

Towed lures - trollng for tuna/bonito etc. Preferences for surface poppers or deeper lures?

Anyone had success with catching edible sized fish using bait whilst at anchor?

Come on you fisher folk, I know the pickings in the E Med are thin but there must be some workable ideas out there!


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21 Dec 2002
French Canals 2007 on, Hull most of winter. previo
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You do see lobster pots in the Ionian and off the west coast of Italy but not many. I have seen more in one day in one mile off Norfolk.

They catch squid all summer with lines off harbour walls and other fish too.

I know others trail a line with success but no one has had any luck on my boat.

Best of luck


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Sqide are not sooo hard to catch. I just put down a line with a very strong squid hook then when the sqide goes for the fish you wait a few seconds the pull up with a hard jerk to hook it. Their quite tough!

The worst bit is trying to kill them.Then you shoud clean it put it in a plastic bag and ask the local fish shop or market ice seller or supermarket (if you know them well enough) to leave it in the deepfreez overnight, then it woulnt be so tough!!!

Keep the ink to add to the rice.

Squid are also caught in nets. You can tell when a squids under your boat as it lets out air.


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28 Jan 2004
London / Spains Costa Blanca
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Hello there. I fish in the Western med which cant be much differant.
I catch squid at night using a squid jig which is a white pirk with a ring of barbless hooks round the bottom. hang a lantern over the stern to attract them & jig away.
For bonito tuna ect its best in Sep Oct Nov. I troll 2 surface poppers(sguid pattern) & 2 bass lures weighted about 6' in front of lure to keep em down, best time is daybreak just as the sun is rising try & troll along the contour lines where there is a good drop off. You need to be in at least 90 metres of water doing no more than 5 knts & the lures at least 60 metres behind you, you will also catch a few dorado like this. But the best method for dorado is go out near a wreck & throw your dinghy out on the end of a long line & drift. in a very short time the dorado will be under the dinghy hiding in the shade. you can catch them by float using whole prawn or squid heads for bait. or just cast a small lure & reel it in slowly. If you are really quiet you will get them under the boat as well. For bottom fishing find a reef & just ledger squid prawns mussels ect there are plenty of good sized wrass, conger & moray eels lurking amongs the rocks. Anythig you catch put it on ice immediatly or it will spoil very quickly in the summer I have caught good fish using all these methods hope this helps..........Nat


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17 Dec 2004
Buckland Monachorum
In Greece they catch squid at night using huge flood lights to lure them up, they used to come isolated anchorages lighting up the whole place.

I'venever had a problem catching varieties of Tuna/Dorrado using plastic squid bouncing at 6-9 knots seems the best approach, no weights on a hand line round a winch the wrong way, it spins the winch and wakes you up when they get hooked.

Killing Tuna, hold the jaw bone with one hand and cut across the back of the neck, let all the red stuff out and you now have a nice clean fish before it goes in the cockpit, be warned if you dont they bleed lots and lots. (this was the technique shown to me by a local in the carib, they are just too big to wack over the head and they bite so you need a firm grip)

Good luck


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7 Aug 2003
Cuckfield, West Sussex, UK
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I caught bu**er all when on a week's flotilla in the Greek islands. Main problem was having the wrong sized hooks. You need quite small hooks ( compared to normal sea fishing hooks ) for Mullet and Bream in the harbours. Mine were more suitable for Great Whites ...

If you want to catch squid then use special squid lures. These don't have hooks as such, they are more like angled needle sharp prongs ( imagine a mini steel Xmas tree upside down ). Check out Harris Angling's web site. Also I think squid mainly feed at night, spending most of the daylight hours too deep to catch. Take a look at the offshore depths on a Greek chart !

Don't forget a paravane to drag any trolled lures deep enough to catch something.

I reckon I would have been better off spending the money on buying my fish in the local markets rather than spending it on tackle that didn't catch me anything. It is really cheap out there.

Hope you have better luck.

P.S. Worth thinking about a spear gun and snorkel !