Friday Fun


New member
1 Jun 2003
Poole, Dorset
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A man was in a terrible accident, and his manhood was mangled and torn from his body. His doctor assured him that modern medicine could give him back his manhood, but that his insurance wouldn't cover the surgery, since it was considered cosmetic. The Dr. said that the cost would be £3500 for small £6500 for medium, and £14,000 for large

The man was sure he would want a medium or large, but the Dr. urged him to talk it over with his wife before he made any decision. The man called his wife on the phone and explained their options. The Dr. came back into the room, and found the man looking quite dejected. Well, what have the two of you decided? asked the Doctor. The man answered, She'd rather remodel the kitchen.


Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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Man has terrible accident and his wedding tackle gets mangled. Doctor says that the best he can do in the circumstances is an elephant's trunk, as there is an understandable shortage of the real thing.

After a bit of thought, he goes for it.

After the op, he's sent home with his new appendage.

3 months later, he's back for a checkup. "How are you getting on?" asks the doctor.
"Well, my wife is VERY happy with it"

"Any side effects?"
"Well, it is a bit embarising in the morning at breakfast. It keeps picking the rolls up off the table and stuffing them up my @rse"