French residency


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8 Dec 2003
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If you were resident in France before five years ago (ie approximately before the referendum) then residence is virtually automatic - hardly any paperwork needed - just some proof of date that you moved (eg house title deeds, or rental contract) then proof that you are still resident (eg recent electricity bill) and that's it - no need to show any proof of income or health cover. I guess the thinking is that you had every right to move under EU law and so that should not be removed. So you also get full lifetime access to health cover as long as you remain resident.

If you moved within the last five years up to Dec 31 2020 (ie approximately after the referendum) then it is a bit more complicated as you have to show that you have adequate finances and health cover. I guess the thinking is that you moved knowing that UK would be leaving so cannot expect exactly the same ease of residence as somebody who moved before the referendum. If you don't have adequate finances and healthcare then you may not get residence.

If you move after Dec 31 2020, you are in the same boat as Nigerians, outer-Mongolians and Australians.


Well-known member
15 May 2005
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Not specifically about residency, but did I read somewhere that France, and perhaps one or two other countries, are offering an extended visa that gives you more than 90 in 180?


Well-known member
25 Jan 2020
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Not specifically about residency, but did I read somewhere that France, and perhaps one or two other countries, are offering an extended visa that gives you more than 90 in 180?
Please expand! What other countries?


Well-known member
25 Jan 2020
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Not sure, and now I can't find any reference to it, so it might have just been wishful thinking on my part :D
I do wonder how such an arrangement would work out with Schengen rules.
LOL I thought I had a lifeline! Tunisia here I come. But seriously I reckon most boaty euro places will sort visas for longer stays eventually.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2004
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LOL I thought I had a lifeline! Tunisia here I come. But seriously I reckon most boaty euro places will sort visas for longer stays eventually.
I'm sure you're right . It's just the crap time we're going to have during the period of indecision and posturing that will inevitably happen next year. They'll get it sorted eventually but there will be a period when no-one knows whats going on and what the rules are and all the countries will be doing their own thing. Especially Portugal :giggle:


Well-known member
8 Dec 2003
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Not specifically about residency, but did I read somewhere that France, and perhaps one or two other countries, are offering an extended visa that gives you more than 90 in 180?

I have heard that the French are considering allowing British second home owners to spend up to 180 days per year in France. It would be in their economic interest to do so, given how many Brits own second homes here and spend into the local economy. I suspect there will be nothing finalised until the end of Brexit negotiations, and I also expect that it will come at a cost - ie second home owners will no longer get free health care and will probably have to pay a higher fixed property tax (taxe foncière) than before.


Well-known member
19 Aug 2001
Northern summers on Primal otherwise Perth WA
Some countries have reciprocal visa arrangements with individual EU countries. For example Australian citizens can get 180 day visas for France and (I think) Italy. However these are not straightforward. They can ONLY be used once you have already taken your 90 days in Schengen. So they are really extensions, and because you will have already used your 90 days you cannot travel to other EU countries after using them.
I had hoped to use this to start my cruising in the Med next year but it looks like I will still be stuck with just 90 days as France will be my first port of call...

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