Free ski-ing holiday



Totally off the subject, I know. But anyway.

Last year we (Me, Mrs S, + 2 sons now aged 12 and nine) went skiing. Mrs S bust her ligaments, so, doesn't fancy skiing again this year. 12 year old has a school skiing trip at half term. So no skiing for small chap unless we takim, stay in monstrously expensive hotel for Mrs S and then spend even more cash on ski lessons and sitting around in bars waiting for end of ski lessons etc, plus long hack to skiiing place.

Now, one possible answer is that one of you lot may know of a keeny youngish type who would be v pleased at the chance of of a free skiing holiday (on snow, twrimbles, not water) altho the catch is small son has to tag along too. He is quite quick, and no problem down all reds and some blacks, slightly less problematic than a hamster, not in the least homesick, knows most simpsons videos by heart, not a pain in the neck. I pay for everything. PM me if you have relevant ideas. Ribald comments welcome on open BB.

sat Feb 16th for a week. Yes, finding somewhere is problem number 2.


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11 Dec 2001
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Some financial budgeting going on here???

So getting close to having to pay for the Leopard and can't afford to take the lovely Mrs S on hols? What you begrudge paying for her to sit in expensive swanky hotel in Gstaad whilst you and No2 son go off skiing?

Or is the reality that nine year old is a better skier than Dad and Dad can't keep up? Surely he would be kind to you and wouldn't take the p**s too much?

"Oh Dad really. You've got to try harder, here let me show you how to do it". Sickening isn't it from a little 'un?

Matt as they get older they get better than you in just about everything and you've just got to accept that you're no longer their hero and BEST at everything. For a few years you can get away with thinking of excuses as to WHY you "let them win" e.g. at rugby, football, table football, pool, waterskiing, tennis, computer games, basketball, driving the boat, mooring up, etc etc. The big saving grace, at least till they're about 15 or 16, is that you're better at the sex thing. Course once they start on that road, you're really past it, then there's NOTHING that you're better at except paying for everything. You'll never lose that.


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1 Oct 2001
Kinda co-incidental I know, but Earls Court is full of Back packing Ozzies who are generally good sorts, stick an ad in the local shops when you visit the show!


Re: ooer

two years ago they left us for dust, ski-ing wise at least. I turned round on whilst creeping down a worrisome red to warn them of treacherous conditions, and they blew past in a full schuss. So we sat at the bottom as they went up and down again, worrying about how we'd look on New at Ten (Scandal of pisshead parents in bar whilst kids leap off mountainl...)

You're right - Mrs S smashed up her leg trying to keep up. The fastest she has ever been on skis was last year whilst being dragged off the mountain by the old git towing her strapped to a monster sledge.


What will you come up with next, put me down for skiing behind the Leopard if you like.

Paul js.


Maybe it will pull all of us, lets hope matt can make it!


Re: more detailed explanation

No. My 9-year-old tags along with as-yet undiscovered and mythical Responsible Skiing Person(s) and I'll pay for them both. Or make decent fractional contribution towards holiday if a group of them were going anyway.


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20 Jun 2001
Surrey, UK
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Re: Some financial budgeting going on here???

Why is it that Matts is having difficulty finding the cash for a Leotard - couldn't we have a whip round when he is wearing it?


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Re: Old Git

Is that our very own and dearly beloved Old Git or are there two? If so which is the original and how will we know? Re offspring skiing - a cunning plan to offload sprog and one which I've tried some time back. Personally I feel that you have an opportunity for enhancement of the father/son relationship which should not be missed here. In terms of bonding, experiences of this nature should be seized and I feel that forum members ought to rally in support in whatever way they can. Workwise, the depth of knowledge and abilities held by forum members ought to make it possible for you to be released, financially, well they are a pretty loaded bunch - always buying new boats, radars, gps etc - I feel that perhaps a formal application would be favourably considered and ought to form the core of your next post.


Re: different Old Git

ah no. Not our own OldGit, he with the much-coveted monicker. This old git worked for the ski rescue service, spoke no English.

You're right about this being an opportunity for the father/son relationship. "Dad give me some money and don't mess about", being the core of the relationship. Once, i was offered a fabulous deal "Dad, give me £20 quid now and I won't ask for any more money for the rest of the holiday", which I readily grabbed. But unfortunately the next day i was turned over with "Dad, you know when I said I wouldn't ask for any more money - I lied!" They always wait until I am with friends/guests/drink for these banks raids.

I can't possibly justify a formal application for finacial help to send small son ski-ing, and indeed am increasingly finding it hard to justify spending the loot on him myself: a rolling account is being set up and will be presented to him on his 18th birthday.


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16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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No 1 son\'s school skiing hols

As I waved goodbye to Christopher, I had a strange feeling I was going to see him before the end of his ski trip. I was very worried about him and everyone knew it. Two days into the trip I got a call from someone who said 'Is that Mrs Beddoes? This is International Rescue' - thinking it was someone winding me up, I told them to f.o. and stop being stupid and scaring the s*** out of me, and hung up. After two more calls,the nice man managed to persuade me that he was indeed from International Rescue and that Christopher would be on flight no xxxx and we could meet him at Heathrow. I was so embarrassed.

I rushed off to Heathrow to meet 'poor' Christopher who was being pushed in a wheelchair through arrivals. He looked very ill and green looking. When I asked if his leg was very painful, he said no, but his tummy hurt because all the cabin crew took pity on him (tucked up very nicely in first class) and had been plying him with desserts, milk shakes and the like for the entire trip.



We have three kids all Simpsons addicts, but it hardly seems fair to take the one so they'll all have to go .
