Fly invasion Cardiff Bay


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Visit site
The fly problem in Cardiff Bay is getting really bad .They are green or brown in colour about half an inch long and very sluggish. They seem to like sitting on smooth shiny surfaces like gelcoat .

They dont bite or sting but are a bit off putting if your sat in the cockpit having a picnic or whatever.Food doesnt seem to interest them.

I have got the biggest happiest looking spider in the corner of my fore cabin who takes care of any that get below .

Any one know what has caused them and when the season is likely to end? I imagine the conversion from salt to fresh water with the completion of the barrage last year will be the root cause.


New member
20 Mar 2002
Kemer in Turkey for the winter
I know what you mean.

My boat is berthed in Penarth Marina and I’m constantly scrubbing the decks as they are covered in little green ‘sploggs’ where the flies have died on the gelcoat.

Went out last weekend in the bay for a potter/engine trial and was followed by a green mist! Good job they don’t bite - had a good time all the same.

I did see a notice in the marina office that stated that the insects (some long sci-name starting with ‘C’) tend to be first to inhabit newly formed freshwater environments. Apparently the barrage are introducing natural predators (birds, spiders, etc.) to regain a natural balance. The notice is still up I think if your passing that way?

