Don't have one but seriously thort of buying one about 10 yrs ago, very impressive boat, loads of room, seem to remember it had 3 different heating systems, well built like almost all Scandinavian boats. Only potential downside was the outdrive.
<font color=blue>The Scands seem to build such superb craft, not just Stinkies, look at the Raggies they make. Fabulous craft. In fact when Syd starts paying me the maintenance money he will owe me when I have this baby I shall probably buy both a Halberg Rassey for windy days and a nice big Royal for calm days.
Have had a 717 for ten years and have lived aboard for four of those! She is a wonderful boat though a trifle cramped as a main residence. At the moment have no ambition to own anything else.
The Clyde is our playground, Arran, Rothesay, Loch Goil, Loch Long, Millport, Helensburgh & round the Kyles of Bute, the list is endless, all pretty safe.
My first Boat. Looks goods all works good and loaded with goodies. What props have you got and what will your boats max at and at what revs ? I have 130 bhp to A5 props it will do 24.5 knots but the rev counter shows 4100/4200 which is to high. Or is my rev counter inaccurate.