The props are isolated from the saildrive. The anode is to protect the blades as they pivot on stainless steel pins. Normally erosion is low on Flexofold - indeed my early all bronze 2 blade has no anodes at all. I would take it up with Flexofold.
Long term it is a good idea to coat the blades with Velox as not only is this an effective antifoul it will reduce significantly the area of bronze exposed to seawater. This is my prop - the hub is coated in Trilux.
In your picture you seem to have an ambassador rope cutter. If the drive pins locate onto the plate on the back of the prop thus byepassing the rubber bush ( assuming your prop has one) then I think that you have effectively broken the isolation between shaft & prop via the rope cutter. As I understand it the delrin bearings in the cutter do not isolate the 2 parts.The props are isolated from the saildrive.
Apologies. I was mislead by the fact you posted a picture & assumed it had a bronze hub ( because you mentioned bronze) & cutter& you were suggesting it was isolated from the saildrive, which may well have been incorrect. But not so & it is me that is confusedNo sign of a cutter in the OPs photo and given that the blades and pins run in a composite rather than bronze hub it is irrelevant anyway.