Fitting a sea cock in a clinker hull,and stiffening??


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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I have bought my first ever sea going clinker boat a folkboat, (i have another clinker boat but that is just an inland day boat)

If i fitted a head at some time how should i fit a sea cock, given its width is almost the same as the planking?

Is it possiable to glue splines into the lands?

On a cavel boat i routed out one centermeter along the seams and glued in splines, that made her really stiff,is there any thing like that that can be with a clinker hull??

Im not intending doing anything yet but just wondering? Now i will be learning how to look after a clinker hull

On the question of sea cocks if i fit one say a small one could i use plastic to avoid the problem of electrolisis???


30 Nov 2002
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I think that seacocks should always be fitted on quite generous sized backing pads. In the case of a clinker boat the seacock flange will probably extend over more than one strake. This need not be a problem.

Obviously the inside of the pad must lie in the same plane as the outside of the strake of planking, in order that the seacock flanges and their bolts can be drawn up tightly and evenly. In practice, what almost certainly will happen is that the pad comes up to the land of the next strake up, in which case, if the pad is the same thickness as the planking, there is no problem, because the flange can overlap the land of the next strake.

For myself, I would not use plastic seacocks; I prefer the Blakes' taper plug pattern.


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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yes i agree fully with you. But as im not even at planing to do,just wondering "what if" stage. So of course the ideal would be non metal fittings,But if i ever fit a head,ill fit blakes seacocks.

Talking of Blakes, not so long ago the baby blake second hand were to be found every where in need of an overhaul for £100, i bought one which was quickly stolen befor it was fitted! Now i see a new one costs somewhat more!!!

I see as well that to fit a large seacock, would meen some capentry, to step over the lands.

At the moment im told that in the baltic,as the sea water is used for cooking??? its not the done thing to use a sea loo!!!Though im not sure how i will get on with carring a holding tank to be emptied either befor or after breakfast??

I would prefer to hold it and pump it out beyond the 5 mile zone?? Then im back to a seacock!


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1 Nov 2004
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I have a small clinker yacht about the same size as a folkboat and took the heads out and glued in blanks where the seacocks had been. I dont miss it. The fewer holes in a yacht the better. I use a portable camping loo that you take home and plush the contents down the mains loo. There are no smells, no risk of leaks from seacocks, there is now more room on board, and the camping loo is considerably cheaper.
Keep it simple!


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Where was your head fitted? What make was it??

Which camping loo did you fit?? They dont seem to expensive but when there full i heard they float when you throw the tank overboard? And theres the problem of stowing the replacement tank!

I thought with a proper head when needed i could pump to a small holding tank then empty it when i leave port!

The camping loos ive seen so far (i havent realy looked hard! no time) are i bit high? as i have a traditional FB i would have to open the forward hatch to use it!And then what happens when its raining?


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1 Nov 2004
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Head was in the forepeak so not much room. I use a portapotti which is probably a bit larger but can be moved out at night if make it more comfortable for a guest.
I often find it best to keep the hatch open when using it! To be frank I find that I rarely do as I usually pee over the side if possible!


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Yes portapottis seem populair,i will go on with a bucket,but after a while it seems to get an oder that just wont go! And i cant quite see me troting off in the morning to find some where to empty a bucket!

Ill be sailing in the Baltic very soon! just another 4 weeks and im leaving.Ive never been there but im told people use sea water to cook and wash up with as its not very salty! So i dident think emptying my bucket or peeing just before the boat next to me take water for cooking would go down to well??

Its really a problem for me as i supose most boats have holding tanks, and while ill certaily pee over the side at night during the day i wont?? But in the morning i just dont fancy a km walk to find a loo thats not been cleaned for a while!!!

I hoped to fit an old S/H sea head with a holding tank and an electric discharge pump that it can be done well out to sea???

I have ideas but probably will end up with a porta polli as well, How often dose it need emptying? is it a very bad job???