FISHER 25 question...may I beg a minute of a skipper's time?


Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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Silly question (aren't all of mine? :rolleyes:)...this one is just me seeking material for my speculative modification/redrawing ideas... many inches separate the main port and starboard windows in the saloon of the Fisher 25?

The photographs available seem to show quite broad side-decks, which must really reduce beam, below...

...and having felt distinctly cramped aboard similarly-sized yachts recently, I'm wondering to what extent the Fisher's generous beam (for such a little boat) suffers from the intrusive side-decks.

I'm reckoning there are probably about 80 inches between the windows, but I'd love to know for sure.

Anybody know someone with access to an F25, who could measure? There are hundreds out there. :)


Well-known member
27 Dec 2004
Marine Surveyor in Barbados
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Hello Dan,

I have scanned a few pages from my Fisher catalogue, and I will attach them below.
I estimated a width of 78" between the windows, from scaling off the plan view, so we are in the same ballpark there.




And I remember a wee while ago you were asking about Catfishers - I haven't got a catalogue for this boat, but I did find an old advert from Yachting Monthly (probably late 70's, perhaps earlyish 80's) which is copied below.




Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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Thanks Bajansailor, great pictures which I hadn't seen elsewhere.

Only trouble with showing them on the forum, is other people will set their sights on one... :(

I'd say you're right about the interior beam. I think the best way to modify a F25 saloon would be to think of the space in an old-style British Rail 1st class compartment...deep benches either side, moderate floor space, then galley forwards and heads in the fo'c'sle. :rolleyes: :)


Well-known member
15 Mar 2011
Nr Macclesfield
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Thanks Bajansailor, great pictures which I hadn't seen elsewhere.

Only trouble with showing them on the forum, is other people will set their sights on one... :(

I'd say you're right about the interior beam. I think the best way to modify a F25 saloon would be to think of the space in an old-style British Rail 1st class compartment...deep benches either side, moderate floor space, then galley forwards and heads in the fo'c'sle. :rolleyes: :)

The problem with your proposal is that the hull begins to narrow and turn in the heads. For two people I think the layout is ideal albeit the heads is little. There is one for sale on Appolloduck atm with a larger heads compartment modified at build.


Well-known member
29 Dec 2010
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More good pics on Apollo Duck there, thanks. My plan was to acknowledge that as a 25-footer, she oughtn't to be expected to accommodate more than two people, even occasionally...

...I'm thinking that if it was accepted she's only a TWO-berther, those two persons could be really quite comfortable, if the interior is arranged only around their needs and preferences.

Personally I like plush full-length sofas - instead of the decidedly squeezed variety which small yachts sometimes use, like the 48" benches aboard the Yarmouth 23, necessitated by the V-berths forward...

...aboard the Fisher, why not get rid of the forward V-berth altogether, and let the whole fo'c'sle house a roomy (low) loo & shower with hanging lockers and other stowage; then let the galley occupy both sides where the standard layout puts the loo and hanging lockers...

...and astern, big, deep saloon sofas, doubling as comfortable single berths - with foam sections which pull out from the sofas' lower back supports, so in harbour, each berth is a good 32" wide - almost up against the inside of the hull, as the standard pilot berth already is.

I suppose if Northshore had aimed the F25 at couples, cruising alone and occasionally inviting another couple aboard just for dinner, my rather old-fashioned plan might have been an option. Luxury gets stamped-on when the skipper is expected to be a family-man. :mad::D


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8 May 2003
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My father had one of the first freewards which he fitted out.From my point of view the cockpit and the wheelhouse absorb too much space.There are some inshore fishing boats with the wheelhouse right aft so creating more space below,maybe using the engine box as part of the galley.....


Well-known member
12 May 2009
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Thanks Bajansailor, great pictures which I hadn't seen elsewhere.

Only trouble with showing them on the forum, is other people will set their sights on one... :(

I'd say you're right about the interior beam. I think the best way to modify a F25 saloon would be to think of the space in an old-style British Rail 1st class compartment...deep benches either side, moderate floor space, then galley forwards and heads in the fo'c'sle. :rolleyes: :)

yes your;re right there.

Nice looking boat.

Never heard of the catamaran version though.