New member
Well the boat had been cleaned, the props were shiny, and she looked really great (well apart from some rusty rain earleir, but that cleaned off). I had a bit of smoke on start up, but it ran clean after that. As a PS, I took Rogers advice and stuck a container of Soltron like stuff in each tank, and it did make a difference. The back end was absolutely much cleaner after a run than before.
The moorings are about 85% full, so plenty of room except either side of me, which tends to be like a cork leaving a bottle. SOme cloud around but forecast force 2 from the SW, which is pretty good in the bay.
The Cat in teh picture has been there for the 2 years I have, and I have only ever seen it go out once for a day, which is a shame.
This is alacanda, the little island 10 minutes from the marina, a sort of safe but lazy option, but it was very well sheltered.
We did take a spin around the corner, and whilst this looks a great pic, there was quite a large swell, so the boat was all over teh place, so we upped and moved back to Alacanda. Probably why no one else was there.
As we came back we passed this nifty little number, I am not a huge fan of yachts, but this was very nice, talk about low profile..
We were also joined by this guy, who got a tender taking stacks of photos, then roared off into the distance. Very square shape, but it did have a good turn of speed.
Here is The Great Escape at mooring, only about 2 or 3 boats around, and the sea was like a pond. Although it doesnt notice, I spend ages cleaning the fenders, which of course are now whiter than white! The front hatch is open, due to the effects of the holding tank being stirred up after forgetting to pump it out 4 months previously - made a note to put that one on the list. Also had new seacocks, having looked ta the old ones, which were seized, I am glad I had that done.
With Alcanada you can can go ashore, and walk up to the lighthouse, which is good fun. I took teh tender for a run, which went great, but I am still getting water coming onboard over the transom when I go fast. I think that is next times problem to solve.
The sea was so calm, you could see the bottom, which was around 3-4 meters where I was moored. This was taken from the boat.
We were also joined by meddreamer, who was far enough away not to be able to throw things at, but I got this nice shot from the tender.
We also did a run down to Soller, with a view of seeing what the facilities were like, nice place. This is speedboat alley.
And of course there were some very nice boats coming and going. I would guess this was up from Palma.
And finally the train that runs through soller down to the port - a lot of money has been spent in the post, it really looks good compared with 2 years ago.
The moorings are about 85% full, so plenty of room except either side of me, which tends to be like a cork leaving a bottle. SOme cloud around but forecast force 2 from the SW, which is pretty good in the bay.
The Cat in teh picture has been there for the 2 years I have, and I have only ever seen it go out once for a day, which is a shame.
This is alacanda, the little island 10 minutes from the marina, a sort of safe but lazy option, but it was very well sheltered.
We did take a spin around the corner, and whilst this looks a great pic, there was quite a large swell, so the boat was all over teh place, so we upped and moved back to Alacanda. Probably why no one else was there.
As we came back we passed this nifty little number, I am not a huge fan of yachts, but this was very nice, talk about low profile..
We were also joined by this guy, who got a tender taking stacks of photos, then roared off into the distance. Very square shape, but it did have a good turn of speed.
Here is The Great Escape at mooring, only about 2 or 3 boats around, and the sea was like a pond. Although it doesnt notice, I spend ages cleaning the fenders, which of course are now whiter than white! The front hatch is open, due to the effects of the holding tank being stirred up after forgetting to pump it out 4 months previously - made a note to put that one on the list. Also had new seacocks, having looked ta the old ones, which were seized, I am glad I had that done.
With Alcanada you can can go ashore, and walk up to the lighthouse, which is good fun. I took teh tender for a run, which went great, but I am still getting water coming onboard over the transom when I go fast. I think that is next times problem to solve.
The sea was so calm, you could see the bottom, which was around 3-4 meters where I was moored. This was taken from the boat.
We were also joined by meddreamer, who was far enough away not to be able to throw things at, but I got this nice shot from the tender.
We also did a run down to Soller, with a view of seeing what the facilities were like, nice place. This is speedboat alley.
And of course there were some very nice boats coming and going. I would guess this was up from Palma.
And finally the train that runs through soller down to the port - a lot of money has been spent in the post, it really looks good compared with 2 years ago.