Feed back on Dirty diesel / tank


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21 Aug 2003
The Earth but normally in the place of the high st
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Recently posted problem regarding above . Have now drained tank and found that all contamination lying as goo on bottom of tank close to draw off and sump apart from loose flakes like muesli lying loose. These invade draw off pipe 2 inches above sump bottom when boat in "disturbed" condition and cause intermittant interruption of flow to engine giveing reduction of revs etc . Interestingly tank bottom at slight slope to sump so water settling out on bottom flows to sump which explains location of sludge in same area

Used Pela oil extractor to draw of sludge from tank sump first ( no bottom drain) before pumping out diesel through hand hole via Amazon pump . Then wiped remainder of sludge off bottom close to sump using Pampers . Only took 10 minutes . No contamination else where . Let diesel settle in 30 litre containers and then poured back into tank via funnel with gauze mesh trapping any particles. Diesel slightly coloured and not virgin light straw colour so added double dose + of Soltron . (By the way DOM - S would travel better in whisky miniatures if it had a peaty colour instead of clear . Gin miniatures not so available up here ". Will now wait a month or so and report back . Am expecting to see clear virgin P*** colour . Hope it works


It's a bit late now, perhaps, but you could have fitted a drain-off (plug or pump-out) while you were in there. If you keep the water drained off the fuel you don't get these problems.


You can fit a pipe from the top, through the tank, to the sump, and use a small dedicated hand pump. Then you draw off the odd litre, check for contamination and pour the good fuel back in again. I don't use any fuel additives. Don't need to.


Ah, I see you edited your post just as I was suggesting exactly that! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Draining off water is not 100% answer .... sorry

Darin of water is a good policy and reduces bug problem - but does not eliminate it. ALL fuels carry moisture - to a small degree despite the so called non-compatibility. This is sufficient to maintain those bugs. Second the SRB type can survive without water ....

Sorry to be harbinger of doom !!!


Re: Draining off water is not 100% answer .... sorry

Sorry to be harbinger of doom !!! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

[/ QUOTE ]Don't worry, Nigel, I am not in the least bit worried about it. We have been using diesel - without any additives - for enough years now for me not to worry. I am perfectly convinced that if you keep the muck out as best you can, and drain off the bottom every few months, and keep your filters clean, you won't have a problem unless you take on board a bad load, in which case the answer is to clean that fuel and the tanks, not put additives in it.

Maybe I am alone in not believing in additives, but I am happy in that belief and I don't want to be converted. I have better things to do with my hard earned money than spend it on diesel additives /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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30 May 2001
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Re: Draining off water is not 100% answer .... sorry

Agree with you - have been running diesels and storing the stuff in tanks large and small for many years now both proffessionally and on mu own boats- never used additives up to now nor will I in the future. Prefer to adopt good practice and save money both for my company and my own pockets.

I do not understand some people's need to dose up be themselves, their animals or fuel tanks, still I suppose it gives a lot of money to doctors, chemists, vets and suppliers and keeps them in work.


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21 Aug 2003
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Re: Draining off water is not 100% answer .... sorry

I tend to agree with you .

Mea culpa
My experience in the process industry before retirement showed me that separation of various immixible fluids occurs over time in long tanks ( ie good dwell time ) without the addition of any additives . Just the recipe for the kind of situation in my boat . I should have applied this earlier by taking draw off samples at regular intervals . A bit too reluctant to lift a floor board and do it . tomorrow tomorrow etc

I have also come to the conclusion perhaps helped by getting older that the existence and regular application of a good check list is essential for engines , standing rigging , sea cocks and so on . ie dont wait for the event to happen adopt a disciplined approach once a week , before setting out etc , etc

incidentally I have never had any water in my Racor water filter/ separator despite getting the bug so that proves that the long thin tank that I have does the same job but with the water concentrating at the bottom.

However that does not imply that belts and braces is an undesirable thing . Only lessens the odds of an accident


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Draining off water is not 100% answer .... sorry

Agree good husbandry works well IF you have the time. Most people dont get enough time on their boats as it is so by takng 10 seconds to put in Soltron eliminates 3 hours of work in the dirty part of the boat.

If like most people your charge out rate for work would be in the £20+ an hour then Soltron is not such a bad price. Beter another 3 hours on the water than 3 hours getting mucky and stinking of diesel.



Well-known member
2 Jun 2001
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Re: Draining off water is not 100% answer .... sorry

Another saving is in not having to change primary or fine fuel filters so often. In fact this year, I have chosen not to change them even for their normal annual change. They looked fine to me with no sediment showing anywhere in the filters or bowls.

That's 8 filters on my boat - a real saving.


Diesel additives are not an alternative to good housekeeping

If like most people your charge out rate for work would be in the £20+ an hour then Soltron is not such a bad price. Beter another 3 hours on the water than 3 hours getting mucky and stinking of diesel.

[/ QUOTE ]Nobody pays me anything when I'm on the boat and draining off a quarter pint from each tank into a plastic bottle takes no more than 2 minutes. I have a changeover valve and a small hand pump, installed on a bulkhead, specifically for the purpose. I don't get diesel on me or anything else.

That is how a fuel system SHOULD be installed - I don't consider that pouring in any sort of additive relieves you of the responsibility to periodically drain off a bit from the tank. Additives are not an alternative to good housekeeping.


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Diesel additives are not an alternative to good housekeeping

Additives are not an alternative to good housekeeping.

[/ QUOTE ]

No not normally but this one is www.soltron.co.uk



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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Draining off water is not 100% answer .... sorry

So its paid for itself then. Did the same with my 805 although I didnt have as many filters.

Did you know Alan Priddy in SOC/SOJS went from Portsmouth to Newfoundland the long way without having to change his main filters once. Thats a lot of mileage.



I am a provider of additives / operator of BUT

I do not dose my personal diesel tank unless ABSOLUTELY necessary - that hasn't happened so far. ( I do drop a bit of 'winteriser' in as I often have summer grade in my tank sitting over winter .... but actually as long as engine is not run till temp is better than -5 C - you are ok !!)
Sensible use and care will as you say keep things going, but there will come a time when it does come a cropper.

Before anyone starts asking me for additives - I only sell in bulk - minimum order 1,000 litres !! It is allied to my normal business of Oil Products Quality and Quantity Inspection business.