Hi all,
I'm considered a fully battened main, but can't stretch to the expensive tracks and cars that are obvioulsy the best solution for handling the compression loads from the battens against the mast. There appears to be cheaper solutions that work in the existing groove on the mast - "AllSlip" slides from Bainbridge - which are special hard plastic/low friction slides that have a flange that slide on the outside of the mast (as well as the bit in the groove), and Rutgerson batten cards which have little wheels that run on the outside of the groove against the mast.
Has anybody been down this road - will it work on a 28ft boat or would I end up throwing it all away and having to shell out for the expensive stuff anyway ?
I'm considered a fully battened main, but can't stretch to the expensive tracks and cars that are obvioulsy the best solution for handling the compression loads from the battens against the mast. There appears to be cheaper solutions that work in the existing groove on the mast - "AllSlip" slides from Bainbridge - which are special hard plastic/low friction slides that have a flange that slide on the outside of the mast (as well as the bit in the groove), and Rutgerson batten cards which have little wheels that run on the outside of the groove against the mast.
Has anybody been down this road - will it work on a 28ft boat or would I end up throwing it all away and having to shell out for the expensive stuff anyway ?