Faulty Anchor Swivels


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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I think that this has been posted before but at this time of year a reminder may save embarrasment or even disaster.

Apparently there has been a product recall of a batch of stainless swivel anchor cable connectors full details here

Dodgy Anchor Swivel
16 May 2001
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That design looks frightening.

Another cause for concern is the reliance on a very small allen key to tighten up the very pins that are taking the load. Snatching & swinging could easily loosen a pin.

On the Kong design, the anchor and chain pins are integral and aren't used to hold the device together.

I would personally prefer NOt to have a swivel of any kind but in the Med where the anchor is used at every berthing, the easy hook parking which swivels allow more than offsets the requirement for regular inspection and diligence.

Steve Cronin