what's the definition of a retiree? And why don't some of them set off again? Taking some examples:
Boat A sets off, hits a foul tide, drops a hook for a few hours, then sets off again - normal practice.
Boat B sets off, doesnt like the weather, decides that Weymouth, Dartmouth or Falmouth is good for run ashore, have a good time, then head back to base - retired.
Boat C, doesnt like the weather, heads for a lee shore and anchors for while, sets off again - techincally the same as Boat A, I believe. But what if he uses his engine to set the anchor? Can they choose to set off again if they havent announced their retirement?
Boat D, doesnt like the weather,, heads into a permanent mooring, either attached to land or not, has a decent nosh, a few hours sleep, maybe a shower ashore, re-vittal, weather abates - can they set off again?
I think everything was against the smaller boats this year, by smaller I mean less than 50ft! Sea state, wind speed and wind shift from reaching conditions to an on the nose beat for the boats at the rear.
A mean race
Think you'll find that using engine (in gear), stepping ashore or receiving outside assistance all constitute retirement. Rightly so. Anchoring temporarily is fine (without using engine) but permanent mooring? that's the only one I'm not sure about.
I am not sure it is only suited to the bigger boats. Have a look at the RORC Tracker. Many 40.7's J's Farr 40's and so on are all around the rock at the moment and seem to be doing well!
and there is Blustery Day a Beneteau 32 doing great. I think the smallest that has kept going. Considering Beneteau's get generally negative response on this forum.
A boat shall be afloat and off moorings at her preparatory signal.
Thereafter, she shall not be hauled out or made fast except to bail out,
reef sails or make repairs. She may anchor or the crew may stand on
the bottom. She shall recover the anchor before continuing in the race
unless she is unable to do so.
Boat C, doesnt like the weather, heads for a lee shore and anchors for while
[/ QUOTE ] A lee shore? Who's the skipper, so we know who not to sail with?
[/ QUOTE ]ah, you spotted my deliberate mistake. Of course I meant to say "heads for the lee of shore", but I'm sure you realised that /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
ah, you spotted my deliberate mistake. Of course I meant to say "heads for the lee of shore", but I'm sure you realised that
[/ QUOTE ]Phew! Thanks for letting me off so lightly. I was half expecting a rebuke like "Haven't you got anything useful to do, you stuck-up little pedant".
Although I regret the way I put it, the remark reflects my interest in the unwillingness of people to use the term "weather shore", I suppose because the intuitive meaning contradicts the correct one.
re: Capn666's post, RRS 45 & 47 is superceded in the RORC Rolex Fastnet 2007 SIs by 2.17 - Temporary Discontinuance of Racing which says...
"Temporary discontinuance of racing [changes RSS 45 & 47]. If a yacht moors in order to take shelter or in emergency crew may temporarily leave a yacht to handle her moorings. If she uses her engine for propulsion she shall, on rejoining the race, return to the spot where she began to use her engine, turn off her engine and continue to race from that spot. She shall report the circumstances on her declaration. No penalty will be imposed for an infringement of RRS 42 in these circumstances."
PS the number of retired yachts is over 190 now.
Nav on Mystery RTD
Re these rules, does this mean that the crew of a yacht taking part in the race are effectively not allowed to go ashore (eg to the pub) if they temporarily discontinue racing on the grounds of bad weather?
I guess it does, as going to the pub would probably be regarded as accepting outside assistance in the form of food and drink.... how sadistic though, for those poor crews who do seek shelter somewhere with the intention of carrying on once the weather improves!
Havent you got anything better to do, you stuck up little pedant ? !
[/ QUOTE ] Thanks for the reminder. If the barn is not cleared by the time SWMBO gets back from clucking over the new grandchild, I guess I'll be sleeping in it.
Since when has sharing information - the whole point of this site, so I thought - been considered stuck-up and pedantic?
Since the question arose and I have the Fastnet SIs after returning from an abortive attempt in the race, it only seemed natural to share. Have you got nothing better to do than criticise other people?
alas, being able to find a safe haven doesn't mean you can go to the pub. the reality is wondering how long you're going to be stuck there and if you'll have enough water and food to carry on and if indeed you want to carry on as the wind screams through the rigging