Fairline 36 Turbo



I see that there's a turbo 36 for sale at only 75 grand advertised in this month's MBY, based near the Thames. Does anyone know if these are any good? Or just rubbishy and hated secondhand?


Nice boats. There were two on our Holland trip, both with the larger engine options the VP 306's and they're quite happy cruising at mid 20's. Early ones are dreadfully noisy, Dave Steward will no doubt fill us in on their good and bad points when he reads this. There's quite a lot around with the smaller 250 (?) engines which apparantly struggle a bit, especially now that they're getting older, (bit like me really). Good interior layout, with a large aft cabin and good size forward cabin. For the 306 engine version they run at high 80's to just about the £100K. I'm looking for one at the moment to replace our Mirage and there's a nice one for sale in Jersey that we may go and see. I think the one on the Thames has been advertised since before Xmas and I'm pretty sure has the smallest engines. Photo doesn't do it justice though, I don't think even Fairline did pink gelcoat.

You're not thinking of having a second "cheapo" boat in UK are you? Or have I just fallen for a Matt wind-up????


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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No but somebody in the city is getting worried cos all their shares have gone belly up and they need the money fast for the mortgage.
Course when they've all sold there boats for half price and bancrupted the boat industries and MDL. Then it will be time to sell the houses and well " I know it sounded dear luv at 5 Million but the estate agent said it was a snip" "Er Um just give me 50 grand for it cos I'm behind with the HP on the Porch and the porch is only worth £50 quid now cos of all the imports."
Its nearly getting the right time to buy boats but not quite yet.
and then the housing market is begining to look ok but not yet till they've all sold there boats.



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30 May 2001
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A friend of mine had one called Weststar Rising which he sold recently to someone who was going to keep it on the Thames but found that their dogs were not allowed in the marina. This boat had the VP306 engines and was in immaculate condition when he sold . He put on teak decking and spared no expense on its upkeep. If this is the one advertised I would recommend that you go and have a look.
He bought an almost new Targa 42 or some size thereabouts but wishes that he had kept the 36.

Deleted User YDKXO

Turbo 36's are usually one of the most sought after boats on the secondhand market firstly 'coz there's loads of space inside with a particularly capacious aft cabin and second, the hull is excellent. Had one myself a few years back and it was great. Anything made before about '84 will have 235hp 60B motors, 85-88 ones should have 255hp 60C's and thereafter 306hp 61A's were fitted and these are the ones to go for unless you find a late model one with 320hp 62A's when the boat was renamed the Turbo 38
Avoid like the plague any with 200hp 41A's as this ain't enough oomph to plane properly and any early ones with maroon red striping as these dont resell as easily as the blue striped ones
£75k should buy a '86 model or thereabouts but probably wont stretch to a later one


I am more in favour of the Botnia Targa meself for uk, but wife doesn't like ugly fishing boats. Also wondering how you were getting on, so partially windup. Mind you, from postings hereabouts looks like you are making a good choice. But then again, they ain't cheap for a 10+ year old boat. Good luck.


I agree, its getting close to the right time, especially when, like me, you have sold for a reasonable price. The combination of end of season and the world talking itself into a recession is remarkably effective.



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16 May 2001
Chatham, Kent
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Re: Here we go....

The model you have seen for sale has the smallest engines, 165hp I think and is really only any good for the river.

The ones to go for are 1985 onwards with 255hp 60c's or 306hp 61a's.
But beware, the early 61a engines are very good at dropping valves, so much so that I have even seen boats advertised boasting of valve mods. This applies to all makes of boat with these lumps.

My 1985 example has the 255hp engines and if you make a bit of effort to keep the weight down and the bottom clean there is not much in it between mine and a 306hp version. New 4 blade props have helped too.

The latter boats from 1987 onwards mostly have the 61a's but there are some interior differences. The saloon floor is 3" higher to accomodate the bigger lumps, so less headroom, and the stairs to the galley are fixed rather than lifting. This is a real step backwards coz it used to give excellent access to the front of the engine room.

Fantastic seaboats with few equals at this size.

Stern glands are a real sod which in my mind is the only drawback.

And just for Colin, new underwater exhausts coming soon!!!

Dave S

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: Here we go....

I used to own a '85 model with 60C's and the exhaust noise was 'distinctive' to say the least. I fitted deflectors on the transom which routed the exhaust underwater, supplied by Elkins in Christchurch, and which made quite a difference
A classic boat which Fairline or anyone else for that matter never managed to replace.


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16 May 2001
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Re: a 306 hp version in Berthon

Colin there's a 306hp one in Lymington. Called "Dream On". It's been out of water all summer, still on the hardstanding, looks good nick, new antifoul, polished sterngear, Koden radar. Asking price 96k but has been up for sale at that price since early this year at least, so make an offer mebbe? Broker is Berthon at Lymington. I'm there this w/e so will have a closer look



Re: a 306 hp version in Berthon

Thanks for the tip jfm, so happens that the plan for this weekend is Soton BS Saturday & visit some friends at Lymington Sat night, so will definitly have a look at Berthon's on Sunday. Ta for the info.

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: Tell me more

Dave, firstly it was a few years ago that I owned the boat but I see that Elkins is still in business so they must be worth a call.
My Turbo had exhausts which exited the transom via circular stainless flanges; the deflectors supplied by Elkins were fitted directly onto the flanges and consisted basically of a 90deg bend made of a hard black rubber or plastic material but slightly waisted. I was told that this created a venturi effect presumably to aid exhaust extraction.
Later 61A engined Turbo's had a similar kind of system fitted if I remember correctly but in a white material
Apart from noise reduction, I found that the transom kept itself much cleaner. I dont recall any related problems at all with the trim tabs


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16 May 2001
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Re: Tea and cake in Lymington

I'm on the boat at Berthon from Sat afternoon and all day sunday (me plus 2 sons, that is). Drop by for cuppa tea if you like. I might have another idea by then, re you buying a new boat, but need to check somefink first. We are the navy hull phantom42, berth B16 if I remeber correctly (definitely pontoon B) anyway ask the nice chaps in the dockmaster office for "Braveheart" they know us well. If the boat's not there it means you're too late and we went sailing (10.30ish I guess). Mobile 07768 055211. The Turbo36 is unmissable, on hardstanding, 5th or 6th boat on the right after you go thru the Berthon security barriers.



Re: Tea and cake in Lymington

You can't be called Braveheart - every other boat in Scotland's got that name! There are at least two in KIP - a Princess 430 and a Moody 42.

Please change immediately!



Re: Tea and cake in Lymington

Oi Nick, leave im alone. I've got an invite to tea 'n crumpets and a blast out in his boat and you want to mess it up 'cos of the terrific name of his boat?

They can take our boat name but they'll NEVER take our Fairline. As Mel Gibson almost said...


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Lymington crumpet

Sorry Nick, didn't know that as never been to Scotland. Anyway it's good on the VHF becuz enuf consonants and clear vowels and (wevver English or Scots accent) so you never get marinas saying "can you spell that please".

Colin I offered tea but not crumpet, she's exclusively mine. Errr...... unless you're offerin a good price.



Re: Eh?

Your boat is called Braveheart and you didn't know it was anything to do with Scotland?!

(historical note: Braveheart aka William Wallace. Early SNP type in 14th century. Edward I (aka Hammer of the Scots) died early 1307 replaced by Edward II (the Edward the Pooftah) who got rather a bad kicking from Braveheart, so EtheP ran away. Course, we made up for it at Flodden early in Henry 8th 1520 ish and after Jacobite uprising 1745 they got annihilated, also later at Hampden park and Wembley. So all kilty lot do on and on about 1314 and and call their boats Braveheart, cos it sounds better than "Brucie" or "Spider".)

Or maybe a corruption of Braye Fart, cos of all the beans and chips?

Looks like we're going down on Sunday to SBS.

Ooh and jfm I can see the attraction of your offer to Colin. He won't buy the boat nor hardly look at it but rivery types just can't resist cups of tea. They also love tidying up cos the boat doesn't even get a tiny splash in a river. I just know they'll rip the washing up out of your hands.


Re: Tea and Crumpet

I was gonna bring a couple of crumpets with me but since you're all being absolutely beastly to me I'll just bring the wife and her marigolds instead.