fresh water leaking into aft cabin. Seems to be coming in from the starboard side, running through the cupboard between the sink and the fridge. has anyone met with this problem.
I have looked at a few. The culprit always seemed to be the opening port in the galley. When she gets lifted the straps compress the hull and the weakest part(around the port) seems to flex. I think it will need re-sealing. Petem is the Fairline god on these!
I had the same problem on a Targa 31. Suspected the cockpit sink, fridge etc. etc. Turned out to be getting in through the mastic joint in the radar arch, running along wiring and pipework, then finding its way to the stbd. aft corner of the mid berth.
Worth a look.
Bingo!..... T31 is the same as T28 (T29 is a different beast)
Had the same again and took an age to find the cause.
Seal around the side screen had (sealing the perspex to the frame) had gone, thus the water that runs down from the canopy and screen went inside the frame , ran along under the radar arch and entered the aft cabin thru the hole where the cables enter.
Easily cured by scraping/cutting away the sealant and replacing with fresh sikaflex.
Believe me, you wont want to do the diagnosis which involves removing the big box in the aft cabin!
PS. having done the resealing, leakage has gone from 1-2 gallons to nil!!
Its amazing how much is channeled down a small gap.
If you want to check, just spray some water onto the side screen and watch carefully where it disappears.
I did take out the big box in the cabin, and the cockpit fridge, and the liner to the fridge compartment, etc.etc. Many days of difficult frustrating work. All cured by a little mastic which took less than an hour including raking out the old stuff !