Active member
When buying a new boat, would you find it useful to be able to take your prefered choice for an extended demo - aither for the day or for a short weekend over one night?
Would this help you make up your mind about the purchase or do you think it would raise as many questions as it would answer?
Would you be prepared to pay a subsidised rate, maybe £200/day on the assumption that if you did buy this would be credited back to you?
Of course you would have to have experience and the right credentials, but this is something the motor trade has done for years - I wonder if it might work with boats?
Would this help you make up your mind about the purchase or do you think it would raise as many questions as it would answer?
Would you be prepared to pay a subsidised rate, maybe £200/day on the assumption that if you did buy this would be credited back to you?
Of course you would have to have experience and the right credentials, but this is something the motor trade has done for years - I wonder if it might work with boats?