Well-known member
Just bought a 50m length of octoplait with a view to splicing it to 10m chain and so making up a rode for our 3rd anchor, a 15Kg CQR clone which would only be used 'in extremis'. What I would like to do is have some way of making this rode multi-purpose so it could be joined either to the kedge rode (30m warp + 10m chain) to make a 100m rode, or joined to the main anchor rode (30m chain, 30m warp) at the bitter end to give a much longer bower rode when anchoring in normal conditions but in deep water.
The obvious method seems eyes in the bitter ends of the various warps . . . but should these be hard or soft eyes, and how much strength would be lost by shackling two lengths of rode end to end like this?
Does anyone else have a swappable joinable anchor rode system on their boat, and how do they do it?
(PS - longer permanent bower rode is not an option unless I extend the anchor locker . . . and anyway 60m is adequate for 99% of anchoring situations in home waters).
- Nick
The obvious method seems eyes in the bitter ends of the various warps . . . but should these be hard or soft eyes, and how much strength would be lost by shackling two lengths of rode end to end like this?
Does anyone else have a swappable joinable anchor rode system on their boat, and how do they do it?
(PS - longer permanent bower rode is not an option unless I extend the anchor locker . . . and anyway 60m is adequate for 99% of anchoring situations in home waters).
- Nick