Well-known member
Some of you may remember that I was having an up-and-downer with my Boatyard about the apparent lack of oil in my boat's outdrive leg, following an impellor change and leg service over the winter.
Having managed to get this resolved, I went down at the weekend to go out for the first time this season. Everything worked, but on starting up, I initially thought that the engine was misfiring, as it sounded very rough and loud. I went down the river and back again (including a naughty full bore blast along the lower reach when no-one was looking /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif) without anything going wrong, but didn't have the nerve to go out into the Solent.
On further investigation, it sounds and looks as if there is exhaust gas exiting the leg at the top, as well as through the prop. and it's definitely much louder than it was. Having given the matter some thought, I am veering towards the theory that, somewhere along the line, the Yard made an error in connecting up the exhaust gaiters when they put everything back together - or that the gaiters have perished (though I did ask the Yard to check and replace them if necessary, when they did the service). There is no visible ingress of water, thank God, but the din is giving me a headache and the whole thing is feeding my rampant paranoia about all things mechanical.
Anybody agree/disagree with my diagnosis? Any other ideas? Engine is a Merc 5.0 efi, linked to Gen. 2 Alpha 1.
It would be nice to get out some time this season. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Having managed to get this resolved, I went down at the weekend to go out for the first time this season. Everything worked, but on starting up, I initially thought that the engine was misfiring, as it sounded very rough and loud. I went down the river and back again (including a naughty full bore blast along the lower reach when no-one was looking /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif) without anything going wrong, but didn't have the nerve to go out into the Solent.
On further investigation, it sounds and looks as if there is exhaust gas exiting the leg at the top, as well as through the prop. and it's definitely much louder than it was. Having given the matter some thought, I am veering towards the theory that, somewhere along the line, the Yard made an error in connecting up the exhaust gaiters when they put everything back together - or that the gaiters have perished (though I did ask the Yard to check and replace them if necessary, when they did the service). There is no visible ingress of water, thank God, but the din is giving me a headache and the whole thing is feeding my rampant paranoia about all things mechanical.
Anybody agree/disagree with my diagnosis? Any other ideas? Engine is a Merc 5.0 efi, linked to Gen. 2 Alpha 1.
It would be nice to get out some time this season. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif