There's a bloke in this marina, actualy a neighbour on the same pontoon who visits other boats by actually getting on board and then saying "hi! I'm Bill..." and takes the introductions from there. And he's already on the dang boat! He's done it to me, and another boat already. I conferred with this other boat who was similarly visited and we agree, it's a bit weird. Slightly alarming for the other guy who is on a boat and looking after it for the owner. But I can't say anything, can I? I mean, he's very nice and friendly. He's from Canada, where they perhaps don't have security scares or anything and everyone can just drop in to anyone else's house anytime, perhaps? Although I feel I oughta say something, shouldn't I?? I must have met other Canadians and they didn't just hoik on to the boat. I've never had this in umpteen years of boating - there's always been that little "permission to come aboard, skipper?!" ritual, even when it's someone you know quite well. Do I say anything and if so, what?