I'm after fter a bit of input on my latest project - starting the eberspacher by text message whilst travelling to the boat. It takes 30mins to get toasty if we don't use the fan heater to help it out.
At the moment I already have turn the fridge on by text so the ice is ready for the gin by the time we get there at the weekend. I think if my logic is correct I can turn the eberspacher on when it's winter so the boat is warm enough to enjoy the gin by just connecting another wire.
At the moment we have a d4 with the 801 thermostatic controller. My thoughts are that if I give the yellow wire +12v on the back of the controller the eberspacher will fire and still use the temperature set on the 801 despite it being turned off on the 801.
Research shows this so far but I will be using my own gsm alarm module to switch it. I just need the wiring clarification.
So to all the you genius people out there is my logic correct and will I blow the 801 if I wire 12v into the yellow wire whilst the 801 has been turned off by the button?
Thanks in advance
At the moment I already have turn the fridge on by text so the ice is ready for the gin by the time we get there at the weekend. I think if my logic is correct I can turn the eberspacher on when it's winter so the boat is warm enough to enjoy the gin by just connecting another wire.
At the moment we have a d4 with the 801 thermostatic controller. My thoughts are that if I give the yellow wire +12v on the back of the controller the eberspacher will fire and still use the temperature set on the 801 despite it being turned off on the 801.
Research shows this so far but I will be using my own gsm alarm module to switch it. I just need the wiring clarification.
So to all the you genius people out there is my logic correct and will I blow the 801 if I wire 12v into the yellow wire whilst the 801 has been turned off by the button?
Thanks in advance