He broke the mast rudder and centreboard and had to be recovered by rescue crew. My father in law was there (and won!) - they cancelled the sailing that day (Saturday) before they got a race in. Sunday was light winds.
No-one was hurt. The chap in the picture is Nick Craig (he has won the Enterprise Nationals and Worlds this summer as well as being a top Finn sailor so he knows what he's doing!). The reason for the damage was that the mast hit the sea wall when capsized and Nick is a big chap so snapped the centre board trying to right the boat with the mast wedged on the wall. Not sure how he did the rudder! I saw him when he came in - looked wet but fine other than that - good insurance claim (Mast, sails, centre board, rudder!)
What? It's a dinghy capsize, not a car crash. Happens all the time.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed that dinghy capsizes happen all the time - as I well know from capsizing Enterprises myself - but few of them cause any boat damage, let alone the scale of damage described here. Where there's that kind of damage to the boat, in what appears from the picture to be an open water incident, I'd have thought damage to sailors was quite possible, hence my earlier comment.
Thanks to Jonny_H for the further details. Nick has certainly had an excellent season. I guess he will be glad this happened at Tynemouth instead of Abersoch or Dun Laoghaire.