It is difficult to reccomend an engine when we have no details of the boat , size, weight, required speed, diesel or petrol, river, lake or sea, shaft or outdrive etc.
European boating. Volvo up to 715 hp (D12s) They have excellent engineering cover and the D series is extremely good and fuel efficient. CATs Man or MTU above
Yes. On a new installation with EDC engines go for electronic. Much easier to handle when manouvering and Volvo's allow automatic rev co ordination above a certain level of revs
Think on the sort of boat you've got, I would be going for something more comercial. It's hardly a leasure boat! Reconditioned, ex trawler?? Cummins? Daf Gardener? It's only going to do its displacement speed as what you fit!
Diesel engines are well known for thier longevity, Ok marine diesels don't seem to last as long as their vehicular counter parts. In your other post you say one engine is Ok the other has some kind of cylinder problem, well I would say if it aint broke don't change it, why not just have what you've got overhauled especially if it manages the crossing on the engines you have I would say no need to change. After all you propose to spend £k's on this change is that going to add vastly to the performance or value?
Thank you.
I would rather stay with the existing engines, of course.
Two considerations:
1. Wola is, by all accounts, an obscure make and I amnot sure I can find spare parts without having to fly to Poland
2. I am not "engine-happy" and the less maintenance I have to do, the better.
I daresay most people have the same request list, but many are capable of fixing a common problem when they need to. I am not.
If there is a way of overhauling/re-building the existing engines so that they are not too much trouble, then, of course, I will.
If not, I will have to look at alternatives. I have spent many hours looking at engines on ebay, but haven't the courage to bid, as the opinions are often contradictory.
I heard, for one thing, that electronic engines are unreliable. This in itself is hard to credit, but who knows...
I get contradictory opinions on Volvo and have been offered Volkswagen too.
Shame you didn't post this 6 months ago - IIRC there was an auction of loads of brand new big marine engines, ex MOD or similar mentioned on this site. Wonder where they all went.
Did a search and found the old thread. Here's a link to the auction site, it's still got details of all the items. May be worth getting in touch to see if there's any more on the horizon
Thank you all VERY MUCH!!!
Will look up all links (although I have never heard of Wartzilla).
Unless I find an absolute bargain, I'll stick with the old engines until they need fixing again. Then, I'll go for replacements and it is worth knowing what is best.
Frankly, and as you know, dealers never give an impartial opinion, so I am determined to source out as many objective opinions as possible.