could any one tell be if you buy goods off ebay from america (cheep eletrics for boats) do you have to pay duty as this would make it about the same as here any one now
Yes. The duty will normally be collected from you on delivery by the carrier / courier that delivers the goods.
Unless the carrier is my local postman, who usually "forgets" /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Of course, you should ask the sender to mark it as a "Gift"... and of minimal value, however many senders want to declare the full value to the courier because if they're shipping it insured the insurers will only pay out the declared value.
If the cost of duty and carriage means that US bought goods are getting close to UK price you should shop around some more, with the current weak dollar you should be able to save loads.
I have no personal experience of buying from the US but a friend ordered an expensive golf club from the US and it was in his house in the middle of the border country within 36hrs and there was no mention of tax. Apparently the customs only do a dip sample and you've got to be unlucky to get captured......he assured me.
Good luck, it'd be one in the eye for Rip Off Britain!
It is true they do a dip , unfortunately my last four ebay purchases from America got dipped for import duty plus £4-£8 wrapping fee after THEY unwrapped em. If however the goods are marked by a FRIENDLY supplier as REPLACEMENT FOR DAMAGED GOODS then they are exempt as the duties were paid on the original goods if you get my meaning
I bought a DSC VHF a couple of years ago from ebay, the seller was advertising it would be sent as a gift. Having sold the boat it was fitted too I wanted to buy another but couldn't find any US seller offering the same deal. In the end I routed it through a friend living in the states but I've got a feeling customs have wised up.
I baught a chart plotter from an us store. After searching and negotiating best price and delivery cost i fully expected import charge (usually charged if sent US post) it still came in at about a 30-40% saving on uk costs.
I know I have seen lots of threads re the pros and cons of purchasing plotters from the states, I must however give credit where it is due. I have just taken delivery of a Navman 5505 via after payment, shipping costs and import and import duty/VAT (all leagally and easily paid via parcel force) i have paid just under £315. All with prompt friendly service.
OK not a huge saving (£150 -200) but better in my pocket.
Also hats off to Prcoms for fast and efficient supply of a c-map cartridge!
No conection to either but always happy to applaud good service
I bought a small computer part from an American ebay supplier.
Parcelforce charged £8 /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif to collect £11.03 of VAT. Total £19.03 . That was in addition to £30 of postage. They doubled their 'administration charge' in April.
There is no duty on computer equipment apparently.