E-MAPs what a disaster--is there no


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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A disaster! no doubt a good idea to save costs and easy up date for commercial shipping,
Ive been looking for Baltic charts to plan a cruise and see literaly how the land lays never haveing been there before.

Ive got c charts map charts g-charts maxi-charts----and and and ive downloaded sea clear that works with non c-map reader that only works with another version of c-map--- its a night mare!!!

Is the only alternative to buy a dozen new S/H dedicated veiwers at £700+ each and try?? ive even been offerd charts but i have to find a veiwer thats not made any more????

What is going on??????

Up to now ive been sailing from France to Greece ive swaped charts books bought some ud-dated others, the cost for all charts and pilots far less than a very used emap reader on e-bay

Is there somewhere soft wear that i can install on a pc or mac that will let me load E charts and plan a route before buying my charts????

After all no one sails useing e-charts even on a small pc with far larger screen
So i just cant understan why these new home route planners cost so much???


New member
30 Dec 2004
Notts Derbys Border Nr Junction 25 M1
Ive got WinChart Pc planner, that uses Cmap charts on a CD. You use it with a laptop to plan trips, then when fitted to the boat and connected to Gps it works as a chart plotter. I have an old Winchart system also, if you contact Winchart they sell you the latest system at a discount price if you give them the old serial number from it. I notice that you were also asking about an St40 display. I have a brand new ST40 wind display and an St60 speed display for sale if you're interested.


There is an answer .....

All PC Based Chart software is particular in the chart format it will display. Seaclear will display BSB / KAP, NOS / GEO and scanned own charts.
CMap requires either Maxsea or CMapECS - as this is a commercial Shipping serious bit of software - costing a lot of money ... far outside average yacht spending - except for certain Halberg Rassy owners I know !!

Yes there are charts on p2p networks such as Shareaza .... but they are pirate and subject to copyright. I am told that searching on Shareaza for :




can have desired results.

Having seen another demonstrate a CMap93 CD .... there should be an EXE file called CMapECS on it .... this is the viewer and plotter program. The guy when he showed it set up the config file first to ensure all parameters were correct .... plus he had to set his display to 256 colours.

So really its slow down ... look through and read the documentation with the programs .... Seaclear is particularly easy to work and only needs the charts imported to work ... if you have BSB / KAP files ... (Maptech) .... and also SHOM or FUGAWI they all work as BSB ......

Don't give up - its all worth it once you get there ..... PM me if you want and we can set up private direct link and I can help you wherever possible ....

You joined GPS Navigator - thats good as I set that up exactloy for all of us to get started and working with GPS ... to expand our yse and understanding .... at moment you will see a discussion going on between charting software co's and also the possibility of a universal programmable plotter - using the software / charts of user choice !!

Good luck .....


New member
21 Feb 2002
UK, S.Coast
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Another rant from someone who expects to get a lot for very little? IMHO you either put a lot of your own effort into achieving things or pay for someone elses effort. It sounds like you are not prepared to do either. /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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OH shut up!Old hand its the greed thats breading so many incompatable standards.and why so many MOBOs run aground.

How did you know i joined the group??????????????? I used a vere very old account that just stays for a few contacts.???

Yes i am interested but i fear they are beyond me--im destined to be a user of diy system err if you want to tell me more about these wantable items and the price to posses them please either hear or PM. A wind indicator a dream!!


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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and why so many MOBOs run aground.

[/ QUOTE ]

????? Would you care to explain your reasoning behind this. I'm fascinated why you a) think that lots of mobos run aground and that b) it's incompatible standards that causes them to run aground?


New member
16 May 2001
By the Sea
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Oi, I send another one off to your group and that's what I get.. humph

Anyway it's the Navmaster that is the expensive one CMapECS was a freebee. Meet yer behind the bikesheds and we can copy it (as a backup of course..

How are you mate?
