Dutch Waterways



Macmillian Reeds on page 972 refers to a free chart 'Staande-Mastroute door Nederland' (Fixed Maste routethrough the Netherlands).Any advise as where to obtain this, preferably in the UK ? Enquiries so far have drawn a total blank, no one seems to have heard of it.

Does anybody know the Dutch price for The Almanak voor Watertoerisme Deel 1.
£20 from Imrays or Stanfords seems a lot for a Dutch language book that I cant understand but are legally required to have on board.

Any advise on where to enter the Dutch canal system having come from the west probably via Dover and intending to end up on the Ijsselmeer.


Active member
16 Sep 2001
I've heard of the fixed mast route (Macmillians and the other pilots describe it) but not the document you mention. Is this Vlissignen to Amsterdam, or Amsterdam to Delfzil? (i.e. South or North?). I used macmillians and one of the ANWB maps to travel the north one, you need at least that.

I cant remember the Dutch price for Deel 1 (but I can have a look on the back if you want). Unfortunately, Deel 2 is the more interesting. Although its in Dutch, it covers all the bridge opening times. Neither are vital reading and I've never been stopped and asked for it.

If you are coming from Dover there are two obvious entry points: Vlissingen in the South. Easy to get to from Dover but implies a hop back out to get to Amsterdam or a circuitous route (maybe with the famous midnight passage) to Amsterdam. A more direct route would be to Ijmuden (straight across from Harwich) where there is a major canal route straight to Amsterdam and the Isslemeer.


New member
13 Mar 2002
Try this link: www.staandemast.nl
If you click on De Route In Kaart, you get a chartlet of the Netherlands with a thick line indicating the route. If you click on the line, you get the detail of the region. Doing this, you also can find numbers at locks and bridges, of which the opening times can be found if you click on Bedieningstijden Bruggen in the main menu. Usually, you will pick up a convoy doing the route, and anyone would be able to tell you the opening times as well, as most Dutch carry Deel II of the almanac.

As others will tell you as well, I never heard of anyone being asked for the Almanac Deel I. I think I have one, but never been asked for it either.
It is probably some 12 Euros now, a fraction of what it would cost in the UK, but it is sometimes sold out. Deel II is very often sold out, but if you are not in a hurry, it certainly is not a MUST. Many bridges and locks have panels showing their operating hours. And in summer, you probably won't be waiting all alone.

The IJsselmeer has nice spots, but has too many insects in hot weather (will we ever have a hot day this year?) and many Dutch (like me) feel that there's not only too many insects but also too many Germans. But you may find this rather exotic. And in any sort of blow it has a nasty short chop. Hate it, frankly. Love the Waddenzee Islands, but it is a pity they get too crowded in summer. The only islands you can risk going to are Texel (marina at Oudeschild) or Terschelling. The marinas in the other islands are mostly full (no admission given so really full) and, unless you can take the ground comfortably, anchoring is only an option in Vlieland if there is no strong SW blow (which we mostly have, like you lot) The other islands don't really have suitable anchorages, that is, if you wish to go ashore.

Zeeland (the Dutch SW) has both these problems a lot less, and certainly had many possibilities. Yes, it's tidal, but the distances are limited and the currents aren't very strong so never any need to get up early if you don't feel like it. In weekends, I never bother to have a look at the tides, can push them if I must.

If you need any specific info, send me an e-mail but hurry, i'll be off sailing as from the end of this week.

happy sailing

Peter a/b SV Heerenleed, Steenbergen, Netherlands


Well-known member
5 Jun 2001
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Others have referedto the map, had a quick look at the web site mentioned, are you travelling in the summer as the times of the bridges are very different after oct 16, also the rail bridge at Gouwe sluis is opened at approx 10 min & 40 min past the hour most of the day., but after oct 16 shuts sat mid day & all day sunday.

One of the easy entry points is probably flushing, and the fixed mast will not become a problem until Dordtdrecht. where the bridges open at a regular time.

The ones near Gouda only open a few times a day & timed arrival is needed unless you are not bothered at wasting a large part of the day.

see http://www.euroboating.net/gaz/dutch/gouda.shtm, for my pictures of the waiting places.

Personaly, we buy a new copy of deel 2 each year, mainly because of the inconvience of hanging about at a closed bridge or lock due to changed times, but I just have an impatient owner to deal with!!

Have fun
