Dutch regulations?



This year is the first year for foreign travel.....

Any idea of what we HAVE to have with us when we arrive in Flushing?? Is it just Passport, SSR (original or copy??), Insurance and a Courtesy flag. Is there more?? (Proof of VAT? Insurance? or Competence?).

Also, what do we do on arrival (at 06:00 AM on a Sunday if plans go ahead as expected)? Do we need to report to customs? Or do we just report to the marina and grab a berth??


Chris Jordan
Bungay Girl
Westerly Konsort


Prepare to be totally 'Hooked on Holland' (pardon pun)!

We always take Passports, SSR, HOCC, VHF details, VAT Proof, Insurance, coutesy flag(s) and motoring cone.

Customs clearance not normally required (EEC).

Some Dutch sailors we've met have say that the Dutch Almanac should also be on board. This is a 2-volume, pocket-diary-sized almanac which is only avialable in Dutch (and in Holland, I think).

The excellent Dutch charts are also absolutely essential.

If you're planning to go via Flushing, perhaps it might be better to pop into Breskens first, where there is an good chandlery near the marina (and the best mussels in the galaxy served in the club restaurant!)where you should be able to get these.

Alternatively, ther are two good chandleries ('sheep's winkles') in Midelburg.

Hope this helps.


Small world

I too am planning my first trip to Holland, I'm one of your neigbours in Shotley, Araby F18.

Fortunatly I'm taking someone who has been before. However I'm getting my ICC and taking the Inland waterways test with Britannia Sailing this Thursday. ICC looks OK and the Inland waterways test seemes reasonable. Accordng to my friend he bought his two Dutch books at the chandlers in Holland.



No sweat, Chrisj, the Dutch are, like EASY. Compared with the Froggies, no big fuss about red tape. Carry your registration and insurance, no bother about CEVNI. You are supposed to carry the Almanak voor Watertourisme, but its in Dutch, right, nobody can read that, even the nice Dutch police when they boarded me last year saw that was a nonsense.

One thing to remember in inland waterways. Sailing boats do NOT have right of way in canals you cannot just tack over the bows of some 100 ton barge and hope to get away with it. Its all explained in said Almanak, if only any of us could read it.

Have a good time.


Re: Small world

Thanks for the Info, each and everyone.

When are you planning on going? And to where?
We were planning on mid July - leaving early on the 14th with a target arrival of Flushing.

Cheers, Chris


Re: Small world

Plan to go last week in June, my friend always heads for Breskens as a first stop. Apparantly makes for an easy passage plan.

