Duchess of the Isles whereabouts


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8 Aug 2007
New Zealand
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Chart Room Chat – Ship’s Monthly – 8 August 2007

I am appealing for information on a vessel which seems to have “dropped off the radar” as they say.
I am looking for detailed information on the history and present whereabouts of ‘The Duchess of the Isles’ a.k.a. ‘Lady of the South Pacific’ a.k.a. ‘Sarha.’

What (I think) I know is:
She was built in 1989 in Tasmania, probably by Launceston Marine.
(I'm not entirely certain what type of vessel she is. She could be a: Cruise? Ferry? Whatgamacallit ship?)
She was designed by Stuart Ballentyne.
During her build she was inspected by Jan Hendrick.
She may have been destined to sail on Loch Lomond but this did not happen.
She may at one time have been owned (or had shared ownership) by James Fisher and Sons plc, (Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria). (I would d like to know more about this?)
She was, I believe, then sold(?). In or around 1996 she went to Tahiti in the role of a cruise ship.
Somewhere around this time her name was changed to ‘Lady of the South Pacific.’
The ship was, I believe, sold again and went to Milford Sound, New Zealand as a cruise ship.

Around 1999 the vessel was laid up, awaiting a refit contract, for 11 months in Dunedin Harbour, South Island, New Zealand.
She was towed to Tahiti again in possibly June, 2000 by I believe ‘SEA-TOW 22’.
She was then put on board an unknown vessel as cargo and taken to France. From there she was towed again to somewhere in Slovakia
At this point, her name was probably changed again to possibly ‘Sarha.’

Does anyone know more about this very elusive vessel’s very ‘gappy’ past and present life? Has she been scrapped?

If anyone has printable, hi-res photographs of her from the past or present I would pay to loan them?

Thanks in advance to you knowledgeable chaps and chapesses,

John Wren-Potter
E: johnwrenpotter@hotmail.com


New member
8 Aug 2007
New Zealand
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Lady of the South Pacific whereabouts

16 September 2007 - The Duchess of the Isles / Lady of the South Pacific whereabouts

For more than a year now I have been trying to find information on the whereabouts of a ship that appears to have ‘dropped off the radar’ as they say. Due to you knowledgeable chaps out there, I now have much more information although I regret to say, there is much of her history yet undiscovered.
The vessel has been known variously as:
‘The Duchess of the Isles’ a.k.a. 'Burotukula' a.k.a. 'Southern Cross' and then back to 'Duchess of the Isles' then 'Lady of the South Pacific’ and might now be 'Sarha.'

Although some of the supposed ‘facts’ are a bit hazy, what I think I know is:
She was built in 1989 in Caboolture, Queensland, Australia by the Sea Management Corporation. (Now called the Sea Transport Corporation.)
She was built as a passenger ship. Her original flag was ‘Bahamas.’
She is a catamaran of 726 tons.
Her I.D. Number is: 8815267 and she was launched as ‘Duchess of the Isles.’
She was designed by Stuart Ballentyne of Sea Management Corporation, Queensland.
During her build she was inspected by Jan Hendrick, an expert in antifouling coatings.
She seems to have been originally built to sail on Loch Lomond but this did not happen.
When she was originally called 'Duchess of the Isles' (1989 - 1991) she was owned (or enjoyed shared ownership) by James Fisher and Sons plc, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria UK
(I would like to know more about this.) and probably Curnow Shipping, UK.
She was, possibly, then sold(?) and about 1992 she went to Tahiti in the role of a cruise ship and her name changed to ‘Burotukula.’
The ship was sold again and, on the 9th December 1995, arrived in Milford Sound, New Zealand as a cruise ship named ‘Lady of the South Pacific.’
Around 1999, for 11 months, the vessel was laid up awaiting a refit contract, in Otago Harbour, Dunedin, New Zealand.
She was towed to Tahiti again in possibly June, 2000 by, I believe, ‘SEA-TOW 22’.
Next she was put on board an unknown vessel as cargo and taken to France. From there she was towed again to somewhere in Slovenia about 2001.
I believe that (in either the North Island of New Zealand or in Slovenia) she underwent a complete refit (including a heli-pad) possibly for a Sheikh. At this juncture, her name was possibly changed again to ‘Sarha,’ although she might still be ‘Lady of the South Pacific.’

I have recently been informed that the catamaran may now be owned and operated by Victorian International out of the British Virgin Islands.
Her flag might now be ‘Panama’. Her IMO Company Number (DOC) is: 9991001. Her IMO Registered Owner Number is: 1900097

If anyone knows more about her very ‘gappy’ life and present whereabouts I would be grateful to hear from them.
Also, if anyone has printable, hi-res photographs of her from the past or present I would similarly be pleased to know. I would be willing to pay a fee for such photographs, especially recent images.

Best regards
John Wren-Potter
E: johnwrenpotter@hotmail.com