Does coppercoat affect anode studs?


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30 May 2001
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We had Eos copper coated almost exactly a year ago. I dived to scrub the hull today only to find that where the anode studs should be there were just 2 slightly proud bits of eroded metal sticking out, and naturally no anode!

My question is does coppercoat affect the studs, which were absolutely fine and intact when launched last year? From memory the person who actually did the work masked off the studs before applying the coppercoat, but should he have left maybe a slightly larger gap? I now need a fairly urgent lift out and obviously don't want to find myself in the same position in a years time.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.


5 Nov 2009
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We had Eos copper coated almost exactly a year ago. I dived to scrub the hull today only to find that where the anode studs should be there were just 2 slightly proud bits of eroded metal sticking out, and naturally no anode!

My question is does coppercoat affect the studs, which were absolutely fine and intact when launched last year? From memory the person who actually did the work masked off the studs before applying the coppercoat, but should he have left maybe a slightly larger gap? I now need a fairly urgent lift out and obviously don't want to find myself in the same position in a years time.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

What was your anode depletion rate like before copper coating and are you in the same waters as you were before?

I started a similar thread asking the same question some time ago
but the forum opinion seems to be that there cannot be any connection between copper coating and anode depletion.

I don't have a personal opinion on this as I haven't dived down to check my anodes since my boat was coated 6 months ago.



Well-known member
30 May 2001
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What was your anode depletion rate like before Coppercoating and are you in the same waters as you were before?

I started a similar thread asking the same question some time ago
but the forum opinion seems to be that there cannot be any connection between Coppercoating and anode depletion.

I don't have a personal opinion on this as I haven't dived down to check my anodes since my boat was coated 6 months ago.


Same waters, anode depletion was what I consider to be normal, it generally lasted a couple of years. And not in 7 years has there been any wasting of the studs. So a bit of a mystery.


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8 Dec 2003
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Very unlikely to be in any way connected with Coppercoat. Most likely your boat was parked next to somebody with current leakage from a badly earthed shore power lead, or maybe even your own shore power is badly earthed?

Also most likely total coincidence, but since I copper coated my own boat, anode consumption has been negligible - I haven't had to change any for three years.


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13 Jul 2002
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Coppercoat is a nonconducting coating so should not cause any problems.

If you normally leave the boat with shorepower plugged in failure of your GI could be the cause but seems a little severe for just galvanic corrosion.

Do you have DC equipment which is always on ie not isolated from the batteries when the boat is left ( bilge pumps etc)

You could have a fault on board causing slight electrolysis . Any alterations, repairs or new equipment ?

It could be a fault on a nearby boat causing electrolysis which will not be prevented by your galvanic isolator.

Difficult one!


Well-known member
27 Apr 2006
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We are acoppercoated. When we hauled out for the summer a couple of weeks ago (hurricane season) we had a strange black hard coating around the anode. Our anode had no gasket on the rear to stop it touching the hull. I have now cleaned off the black coating and made a rubber gasket to keep the anode off the hull. I withdrew the anode bolts and they were perfect. we havent been on shore power for 6 months and the anode was about 1/3 gone so will do another season. The black coating did no occur anywhere else on the hull.