Just had a look at the link, its all a bit parochial with just a few short hops. But then I don't supose many Solent sailors know that the UK extends to just short of 61 degrees north. Come to think of it two "Round Britain" yachtmaster training cruises weren't aware of it either last year.
Does anyone know of a good set of online distance tables for the UK? Eg. The type that are in Reeds almanacs etc.
[/ QUOTE ]Not quite "Reeds" but better.... download Netpas-distance .... Now you can do your distance planning like a REAL navigator /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Took me a wee while to get the hang of it as it is really for world wide planning but the U.K. is well represented although when one zooms (keep clicking on the + button even after the indication bar shows max zoom) in the map is a little "off" - you can input average speed aswell and get journey times in days or hours to help with your route plan - have fun /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif