Disorg Rally update
Yarmouth, 6th.7th July,
A fine welcome awaits you in the pleasant Solent Harbour of Yarmouth, I.O.W. Here you will be able to rest your wallet in certain hostelries, swap tales of all the wussies who dropped out, mock those b*ggers from the I.O.W who cycled home for lunch, or the doughty mainlanders who found 6 miles of grey puddle too much for their seamanship. Facilities at Yarmouth are quite entertaining - there are a surprising number of 'refreshment opportunities' within crawling distance of the berths, as a recent recce and subsequent hospital bills proved, and some owners are rumoured to be offering crew spaces to those unfortunate enough to be 'sans bateau' for that weekend. Hotels and B&B's abound, the grockle ferry from Lymington parks in the harbour to assist the boat-less but should otherwise be avoided.
Do come. A Jolly Time is guaranteed.
Advance Weather Forecast for 6th,7th, 8th, July 2001 Issued by the Meth Office at 11/3/01, 19:00 Guiness Mean Time.
Pissing Down, as usual.
Victim List
Six boats from the forum on the possible list. There were seven but Haydn is selling his 230 foot Princess and buying a RIB, and shares in BP Amoco to fuel the outboards.
All welcome. Special dispensation has been granted from Yarmouth Harbour Commisioners Office for owners to wear silly caps with anchors on them, if they really must. No matching his and her's oilies though, please.........
Navigation: Despatch the starboard helicopter at the fairway bouy, then follow it in. If you're definately coming let me know and I'll book a berth for you. (The Isle of Wight is that large obstruction off Portsmouth.) High tides that weekend at Cowes are around midday, for those interested in a Saturday lunchtime cruise to the Folly Inn, Rising Sun, the Bargemans Rest, or the Jolly Sailor. All accesible by bateau with ample parking and nearby SAR facilities for over-zealous imbibers.
Yarmouth, 6th.7th July,
A fine welcome awaits you in the pleasant Solent Harbour of Yarmouth, I.O.W. Here you will be able to rest your wallet in certain hostelries, swap tales of all the wussies who dropped out, mock those b*ggers from the I.O.W who cycled home for lunch, or the doughty mainlanders who found 6 miles of grey puddle too much for their seamanship. Facilities at Yarmouth are quite entertaining - there are a surprising number of 'refreshment opportunities' within crawling distance of the berths, as a recent recce and subsequent hospital bills proved, and some owners are rumoured to be offering crew spaces to those unfortunate enough to be 'sans bateau' for that weekend. Hotels and B&B's abound, the grockle ferry from Lymington parks in the harbour to assist the boat-less but should otherwise be avoided.
Do come. A Jolly Time is guaranteed.
Advance Weather Forecast for 6th,7th, 8th, July 2001 Issued by the Meth Office at 11/3/01, 19:00 Guiness Mean Time.
Pissing Down, as usual.
Victim List
Six boats from the forum on the possible list. There were seven but Haydn is selling his 230 foot Princess and buying a RIB, and shares in BP Amoco to fuel the outboards.
All welcome. Special dispensation has been granted from Yarmouth Harbour Commisioners Office for owners to wear silly caps with anchors on them, if they really must. No matching his and her's oilies though, please.........
Navigation: Despatch the starboard helicopter at the fairway bouy, then follow it in. If you're definately coming let me know and I'll book a berth for you. (The Isle of Wight is that large obstruction off Portsmouth.) High tides that weekend at Cowes are around midday, for those interested in a Saturday lunchtime cruise to the Folly Inn, Rising Sun, the Bargemans Rest, or the Jolly Sailor. All accesible by bateau with ample parking and nearby SAR facilities for over-zealous imbibers.