Because I've been away for the last week, I was reading the posts for the last week and I was somewhat saddened by the post(s) about the RNLI SeaCheck Service. As a RNLI sea check advisor I was completely surprised by some of the posts. To even think that it was the "thin end of the wedge" towards compulsorily certificating is totally WRONG. To think that the RNLI would only respond to people that had "passed" the "test" is not only WRONG, but offensive to the ethos of the RNLI. To think that it is just a means of getting sailors to buy more expensive equipment is WRONG. To think that it is a method of making boat owners feel inadiquate and unsafe is WRONG. I am an advisor because I believe that I have gained some experience in the 35 years that I have been involved with the sea as both a professional fisherman and pleasure boater and I wish to give back something to the sport I truely love. To this end I had no hesitation in agreeing to become an advisor for the RNLI. I have no wish to incroach on anybodies "freetime" or to make them feel inadiquate as a boat owner. I only want them to feel that if they have a problem when at sea, that they can deal with it. We are instructed by the RNLI that we must never make the owner feel inadiquate and frightened to put to sea. The advice is given "freely" by many different people, in my own group we have professional fishermen, yotties, motor boaters, RNLI crew, all of which are dedicated to trying to make our sport safer for all. Why would any of you believe that the RNLI is any different from any other large organisation, we are driven by accountants just the same, its called value for money, reduce the callouts and you save money, then you can spend that money in other areas i.e R & D to provide better boats, equipment and such. If you truely believe that we only launch to save "wallies" and not well found and experienced boaters you are living in a dream world, misfortune befalls us all and we will always launch to rescue all, irrespective of whether you've had a check or not, my God can you immagine the situation where by a call goes out and we sit waiting for the CG to tell us OK you can go because this guys had a check! Everyone that I have checked has always said that they have been pleased to see me made me very welcome and that I have made them think about what I have said to them and that they were suprised that the check was not a test to be passed or failed but just a friendly chat. I've ranted on enough now but I will leave you with one thought (our motto) PLEASE INVITE ME ABOARD YOUR BOAT, BEFORE I INVITE YOU ABOARD OURS.
ever-so-slightly demorolised Sea Check Advisor.
ever-so-slightly demorolised Sea Check Advisor.