Having witnessed many boats coming to greif because of a build up of sediment in Diesel tanks,does anyone know of a filter to clean fuel as it is added to tanks or is there an additive to iliminate the problem?
There may be many of thoughs things and I've try'd a few of them.
But the best I made myself after a few comments from my
remove drain plug 3/8 bsp prob. Add tap 3/8bsp and pipe.
Let it lay below tank. All water and gubins will be colected including the six gallons of water I put down the diesel tank.
Here endeth the lesson.
Alfalaval make a spin seperator ( multi plate cones that whizzes round at about 7500 rpm, ) to remove muck & gunge from fuel, usually as it is pumped from the main tank to the day tank. cost £ 7000.