Diesel fuel line questions


13 Jul 2010
Valentia Island, Kerry
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I recently fitted a new tank to replace an aging stainless steel one. The old one had a tap at the bottom and then an unbroken fuel line to the first filter. Fuel feed was by gravity.

The new tank has a siphon feed. The fuel line has a bulb to get the siphon going and an inline tap. That's a fair number of joints and I am having problems with tiny leaks at the connections that allow air leaks and eventually break the siphon and stop the engine. I've eliminated all but one, but it's being difficult.

My first question is: what's the general consensus about breaks in the fuel line? If I had an unbroken line there would be far fewer joints, but any future filter replacement would be tricky.

If I do go for this option I'll have to buy some more fuel line, so second question is: does anyone know of any decent quality transparent line I could use so at least I could see if a siphon problem was building?


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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my tank is below the engine under a saloon berth, i have no primer bulb as such just one on the CAV filter + the engine lift pump. there is a valve on the feed riser from the tank to enable filter changes draining the whole pipe system. There are times when priming is an issue after a filter change. your set-up should be easier as gravity helps


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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I have a siphon feed (if that isn't a contradiction in terms) and a one piece pipe to the CAV filter. I always change the CAV first. Then start the engine and it runs sufficiently on what is left in the fine filter and pipes and that always fills the CAV bowl before it stops. I then change the fine filter which is conveniently not full and bleed the engine on the lift pump. It works!