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Admiralty Law
"It is established for a custom of the sea that if a ship is lost by default of the lodesman*, the mariners may, if they please, bring the lodesman to the windlass and cut off his head without the mariners being bound to answer before any judge, because the lodesman had committed high treason against the undertaking of the pilotage, and this is the judgement."
Article XXIII of the laws of Oléron 1190.
*Lodesman - Pilot taken on board to guide a ship.
Incorporated into English law by Eleanor of Acquitaine in 1190.
(Source : Brian Henry's excellent blog)
"It is established for a custom of the sea that if a ship is lost by default of the lodesman*, the mariners may, if they please, bring the lodesman to the windlass and cut off his head without the mariners being bound to answer before any judge, because the lodesman had committed high treason against the undertaking of the pilotage, and this is the judgement."
Article XXIII of the laws of Oléron 1190.
*Lodesman - Pilot taken on board to guide a ship.
Incorporated into English law by Eleanor of Acquitaine in 1190.
(Source : Brian Henry's excellent blog)