Delivery of the Good ship Finola


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30 Nov 2001
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OK Guys being the sad muppet I am I'll post this as the first Chapter.
Sun Coast, Coliholic and TR7V8 meet at Chatham Maritime at 11:30. Cast off was at 12:50 having gone thorough the fact we had 3 GPS's, 1 software nav package and good old fashioned dividers, charts and pencils to navigate with.
Left Chatham Maritime and aside from some debris and drift wood the seas were clear, Aside from 2 Raggies and a couple of largish coasters the waters were ours.
The original master plan was to go to Shotley point where I would jump ship because of w/e commitments and SC & Coli would continue to Brundall in the Sat AM.
Instead faced with mill pond like seas we continued on to Lowestoft. Although this meant covering the last 1 and a bit hours in the dark. Now this isn't the easiest harbour to get into but we managed it. Although SC as skipper got very upset when he took the helm over from me and Coli & I promptly put lifejackets on!
Moored up 19:03 having covered 86NM exactly. Which my calculator makes 13ish Knts average.
I then caught the train from the one horse town known as Lowestoft and promptly got completely screwed up by East Coast rail who missed the connection. Hence the reason I've just arrived home.
SC & Coli will contine through the Lowestoft Lock and Brdige tomorrow (today) and finish the journey to Brooms inland.
Finally thanks Clive for the opportunity to crew and Coli for doing a lot of the Nav.


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18 Feb 2003
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Well done Jim, Clive & Coli, I am really pissed off that I couldn't make it because of that important meeting. I was thinking of you with that lovely weather, I am sure it was a very pleasant trip.


<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Half ten last night the phone rings. Who the hell is ringing up at this hour I think.......pick up phone and cutey's all ecstatic about brill trip and Tsunamis great and Broom excellent and theyre sitting in some posh yacht club in Lowestoft. Apparently they asked if they could eat in restaurant......'Not dressed like that.....' said whoever (cutey ALWAYS looks 'like that' I thought....)
Anyway, reason for phone call...can I settle an argument and tell 'em how far it is from Calais to Malaga.
'ang on I sez, youre supposed to be going to Brundall !
'Yeah, I know that stoopid' sez cutey 'but clive sez its about 1,000 miles by road and I sez its nearer 2,500'
Turns out to be more like 1400 (aint autoroute great)
Cutey sulks a little (but only momentarily) and I hear him tell clive its like 1900ish!
I hung up and went to bed................

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11 Dec 2001
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Just got home from Brundall and as Jim says it was a good trip. Jim drove the autopilot, I did proper paper chart nav, (backed up by hand held GPS) Clive played with his computer and GPS and made the coffee and God was in his heaven and all was sweetness and light.

Not a ripple as we crossed the Thames so no tales of derring do to follow. We punched the tide a bit for the first hour then we had a nice two knots behind us and got the GPS showing 18-19 knots most of the way. Original plan to go onto Shotley for the night was amended to let us finish the whole journey in one go since we were a good hour ahead of schedule and I did my first hour and half or so of night boating. Only minor error we made was not noting down the light characteristics of what we were looking for, but there's so few bouys on that stretch of coastline that it wasn't really a problem. Viz was crap though. At times we were down to less than 1/2 mile viz in daylight and maybe a bit less at night - the lights came up on us all of a sudden.

This morning Clive and I took Finola through the lifting bridge at Lowestoft, then through Mutford Lock (seven quid, but I let Clive pay) and after 3/12 hours arrived at Brundall having seen only one raggie and one hire boat out, but why did the three of us have to pass each other at the same time? Nothing else all day, the only traffic was the raggie tacking across the river coming towards us at the same time as the hire boat was trying to pass him? Typical.

Got into Brooms at Brundall and we were just coming into a mooring when this voice from the pontoon calls up "Hello Coliholic". Now I know I'm famous, but didn't think my fame had spread that far. Gobsmacked to say the least. Turns out that it's lc. She'd read TR7V8's post and was at Brooms anyway having just taken delivery of her new boat, a super looking 40 ft Cranchi Mediterannean that has only recently arrived there from Spain, and thought she'd come over and say hello. Now wasn't that nice? And how many of you had realised lc is a lady eh?

As to how the boat went, well it was really all jolly good and fine and not a net curtain in sight. Though Jim did get us all giggling yesterday. We'd been followed by 100 or so seagulls for ages, bumbling along just off our stern and I questioned why the buggers were following us. "they think we're a fishing boat" pipes up TR7V8, "'cos of the nets". Even Clive had to laugh. Oh and by the way and I know none of you would pick up on this, but Clive gets VERY defensive about net curtain jokes and Brooms so don't let him know I told you.

And finally finally, Clive had mentioned earlier in the week that Happy Grumpy would probably be coming and I bet him a shilling that he'd find some way to wimp out, 'cos much like Longjohn I reckon he's a wind up merchant or s**t scared of going boating. And guess what? At the last minute Happy Grumpy couldn't make it. Surprise Surprise. So Clive now owes me a shilling along with Learner.

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18 Feb 2003
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Oi coliholic, that's not fair, you know I had a meeting that I couldn't get out of /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif Anyway it seemd that I missed some of the best weather this year to go boating. So get your boat out and invite me on that, I only have until the 5th March though, then I'm away for two weeks, then my boat arrives.

As for being sh.t scared I don't think so, I travelled 8,000 miles in a small flat bottomed boat from Plymouth to the South Atlantic through storms and waves that looked like mountains, a few miles in that lovely Broom would have been a pleasure /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

Glad you had a good time, tried to get Clive on the mobile a few times but No Reply.


<font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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27 Jan 2003
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Been reading this in flat mode which seems most aporopriate as that reflected the seas/forums/images/icons/smile.gifMust admit I viewed my first North sea trip with trepidation given the location we had to achieve and the notoriety of the the North sea, but I used my weather reading expertise and it worked well. Conditions perfect, and indeed so were the crew, I'd like to thank Jim & Coli for all their help and for keeping me entertained. Pity Happy1 could'nt make it would have been even more entertaining.

The decision to press on to Lowestoft in the dark, instead of stopping at Harwich was brought about by the excellent conditions, and progress made thus far. Only risk factor was the tales of crabs pots and nets north of Harwich, which fortunately we did not encounter. Least now Coli and Jim have a hour or two of night nav to add to their log books.

Sad to leave the old girl at Brundall, after three years ownership she's served me well. Went and moored next to two other Crowns one of which had "liveboards" who, it seems just polished the damn thing all day. So whilst they look disapprovingly at my hard worked dirty looking Crown, but I am happy in the knowledge that shes been used for cruising not sitting in a Marina looking all shiney.

Lastly left the boat and forgot me life jacket, but even more disasterous left the pot noodle behind. Still the new owners can enjoy them.

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18 Feb 2003
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Clive, you are a good man, and have been kind to me, I am glad everything went well, must have been sad to walk away from her, anyway a great adventure lies ahead. Hope to see you on the 23rd at Chatham, I will give you a call on your mobile.



<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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27 Jan 2003
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Thanks Happy look forward to seeing you there. Then later in the year you may find yourself in southern Spain near my new boat heh?

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16 May 2001
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Lastly left the boat and forgot me life jacket, but even more disasterous left the pot noodle behind. Still the new owners can enjoy them.
<font color=blue>
I hope they aren't new to boating otherwise they mght eat the lifejacket and try to use the Pot Noodle as a lifebouy.

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27 Jan 2003
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Hopes thats not a reference to my mate Happy/forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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18 Feb 2003
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Careful Clive, the Champagne is/was going to be despatched tomorrow /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>


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6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
Didn't invite me di you? Anyway your shilling awaits .. yes, for real. YOU CAN WAIT UNTIL WE NEXT MEET OR PM post code.

One condition...NEVER , NEVER , NEVER mention my name in the same breath as the H1/Grumpy 1 ever again. I may be stupid but , please, not that bad!!

I may give up here if he carries on ...

Sounds like a great trip was had by all ...and Lyn? ..Too good for you !!

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11 Dec 2001
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Aha so you've been outed eh?

Maybe Learner is really Happy\Grumpy. Indeed one and the same. Must admit to there being a similarity in your styles of posting in that you're both so full of it, your eyes are brown.

Next time we meet will be fine for the ritual "HANDING OVER OF THE SHILLING"

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by coliholic on 23/02/2003 19:16 (server time).</FONT></P>


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6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
Sad I may be, unworldly yes. lacking in etiquette, a timewaster, dilatory, gobshite, loud-mouthed, marine knowledgeless UNDOUBTEDLY . But, thankyou,an a******e I am not ! ( subject to accreditation etc.) You know how to hurt don't you /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Go and talk to your wife !!

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11 Dec 2001
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Retraction of Insult

ten out of ten to you for pointing out all your good points. And who am I to disagree?

Thus I wholeheartedly retract my comment linking you with the Gobshite Happy\Grumpy

Please accept my humble apolgies for any hurt I may have caused you by making that comment.

P.S. You now owe me half a crown.

PPS How did Wales do in the rugby yesterday? Saw the half time reports and the Welsh supporters were all going on about how they were going to press home their advantage in the second half, but I missed the rest of the match.

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