Deben entrance - new survey


New member
29 Oct 2002
River Deben, Suffolk
Latest survey update & chartlet just out for the River Deben from as follows... confirms my own observations from walking around the shore at LWS.

"Soundings were taken on the Deben Bar on Tuesday 17th March at low water revealing no less than 1 metre on the bar.

Both the Mid Knoll and the East Knoll buoys have been moved to take into account the southern movement of the Knoll to the north of the channel. Their positions are as follows:

<font color="red">E. Knoll</font> 51 58.707 N - 01 23.856 E
<font color="green">M. Knoll</font> 51 58.731 N - 01 23.471 E

The easterly spit forming a crescent from the southern shoal has extended further out and to the north.

The E. Knoll has been placed just inside this tip to prevent it being carried away.

It is therefore suggested one leaves moderate clearance to the north of the E.Knoll buoy.
Although there is plenty of water around the Mid Knoll, the channel is narrow here so keeping close to the buoy is advised.

Approximate entry bearings (M) are:

W. Haven to E.Knoll 320 deg.
E. Knoll to Mid Knoll 270 deg.

Depth on the bar at LW springs approx 1.0m

Shingle on the northern shoal appears very loose indicating instability, please be prepared for rapid changes."


You can download the latest chart from:

or if the website is down you can get it from here :