Dave Snelson - Out Of The Closet!


Well-known member
6 Sep 2004
Cheshire, England
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Elsewhere on this forum, long-time petrolhead and wake warrior Dave Snelson has posted a reluctant admission that he took to the water UNDER SAIL at the weekend. However, as one of those present to witness the event I feel that his posting was somewhat reluctant and did not reflect the true joy that he so obviously experienced.

I can advise that by 10am on Saturday morning Dave had received offers from two raggie skippers to take him out and his dilema was in deciding which one to honour with his presence. Tellingly he chose to accompany the Commodore of the Yacht Club so any suggestion that this was to be a low profile outing that would go unnoticed can be quickly dispelled!

The yacht - Galatea - is moored alongside the harbour wall at Porthmadog and with a very low neap tide expected to reach its full height at 2.30 pm, efforts to cast-off at 11.30 am were strenuous as there was still insufficient water to fully float the boat. However Daves helpful suggestion to "stick it in reverse and give it full welly backwards" met with some guffawing before a helpful bystander corrected " Is he trying to say hard astern?"

Once underway, we had just cleared the 6knt marker point when Dave suggested "Okay, open her up and lets see what this baby can do!"

As the day progressed he became visibly more in tune with the craft and the smile on his face became broader. In fact, when he took the helm I'm sure I saw him puff out his chest and give the the rubbing strake a loving stroke.

By the time we were heading back into the harbour after a cracking sail, he was truly converted - ignoring motor boaters completely except to wave his fist and shout after them "Watch yer wake!"

I may be wrong but if you want to hear from Dave in future you'd better sign up to Scuttlebutt!



Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Oh I see - please feel free to rubbish my otherwise solid reputation on here. I have lovingly built up my reputation as petrol-head, and latterly gas-guzzler since 2001.

I have diligently destroyed many a cuppa on more than a few yachts with my powerful close quarters wake and my holler of "gedda bloody mooove on". Furthermore, I consider those live-aboards in the harbour in the summer as more than fair game at 06:00. Bacon, eggs and orange juice all over the galley floor! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

And anyway...ya haven't got any piccioes, so ya cain't prove nutt'n! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Well-known member
6 Sep 2004
Cheshire, England
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Mmmn, unfortunately correct.

On his way to Boots The Chemist this morning with 35mm film canister in hand, Colin was assailed by a mystery figure who relieved him of the precious photographic evidence.

It happened so quickly that Colin only caught a fleeting glimpse of his assailant who is described as medium height, stocky build wearing oily tracky bottoms and a Van Morrison tee shirt with red wine stains down the front (and back!)

So whilst we would be able to post photos of Dave sharing a bed with Michael Jackson or Dave trotting along Blackpool beach on Shergar, regrettably we are unable to offer photos of Mr Snelson on board a rag and stick...........for the moment! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif