Maybe a yattie thang,but its on a list of suggested safety equipment i aquired from a fellow forumite(dont actualy see the point of it) but there you go.
I suppoose tis just as difficult to find someone ioverboard from a yacht as from a moBo when there are big waves around? Or maybe the thise that fall overboard from a Mobo are laways more visible? /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Less a visibility thing than a speed thing I suggest. I had 20 years on yachts and losing someone overboard was a recurring nightmare - though I have never lost anyone I should add - made more so by the fact that you have to attend to many activities before you can figure out how to get them back. Made worse if running downwind with spinnaker etc so best move was get something overboard sharpish that told you where they were, get somebody to eyeball them if possible and get back to them asap. On mobos it seems to me that you have more time because you can stop quicker, turn faster etc than on a yacht, and there is no equipment to fiddle with, no sails to drop etc. hence no real need for a high viz marker. Having said that it is a matter of personal choice: I had a danbouy on the yacht, I dont on the mobo.
All those a re good points but in largish seas a MOB situation could mean losing sight of the operson very easily from any boat and so a Danbuoy would help. I do not have one, have never had one nor have ever seen one on a MoBo but it would add to safety.
Got to admit thats what i was thinking about---more use at night than day,Dont suppose it costs anything to have one,its the sort of thing you hope you dont have to use anyway.So back to the question.Which one?