There should really be no need for the question mark- The footie players and the manager wereknighted when they were world champions, and ellen is (hoefuly) the same AND maritime exploits are the foundation of the empire, unlike footie. Or did bobby moore get his K yonks later?
I don't think Bobby Moore ever did get his k. In those days you had to do more than captain your country to its only world cup and be one of the best players ever to play! Alf Ramsey was knighted and years later Bobby Charlton and Geoff Hurst were too.
I agree that Ellen deserves it. But can you imagine the email account..."As I saw the sword descending I could only too readily see my head severed from my shoulders, pools of blood everywhere..."
>As I saw the sword descending I could only too readily see my head severed from my shoulders, pools of blood everywhere..." <
Loved It !
She's a brave and clever girl that loves sailing..... Just like us, err..... sailing anyway.
Sadly, Knighthoods have turned into a joke in this country. Particularly since his Royal Highness came on the scene and flogs em. Mick Jagger was one of his recent inspired choices if I remember. Probably because he is so free with his money.
Most of her success, apart from guts, is to be able to stay awake longer than most to keep making sail changes. In the true sense of the word, her seamanship is diabolical. Going too fast, tired all the time etc... In fact, just like the rest of us trying to earn a living. Believing that human happiness and material comfort are one and the same.
I think what we admire most is that she is doing something she loves to make a living rather than what we do.
She does deserve it, especially when compared with recent appointments, but that does not diminish the achievements of Francius Chichester, Alec Rose, Knox Johnson, and the others who risked more, circumnavigating without sponsorship, or the security of new boats analytically optimized for the purpose, EPIRB, satnav, Inmarsat, radar, met forecasts, Goretex, fleece, carbon fibre, Kevlar....
At the risk of pissing on the party, I couldn't let this comment go.
My ol' mum said and still says, if you can't say good of someone say nothing. If you believe that the award of an honour is to celebrate achievement and to encourage everyone else then our Ellen wins on both counts.
Please explain what principles she has to evoke to turn it down otherwise it will have to be handbags across the Solent, sir