Is it too much to expect to be able to buy a cruising vessel for 40k cash? I was thinking of something in the region of 34 to 37 ft. and fully loaded with the necessary electronic and hardware components, sails, rigging and so on. Ready to go I suppose. Oh and room for two. I read below a post on the HR 36 and, as fine a vessel as it may be, I suspect there are many equally capable cruising vessels out there below 100k. ( You could get an HR 352 for a lot less I suppose) Another thing that keeps bothering me is steel or grp. There just seems to be something about being miles from help in a plastic boat. OK the statistics no doubt suggest otherwise but...... Nevertheless I would consider either. So what is the next tier down from the 100k bracket? And is cheaper necessarily riskier, maybe the 100k vessel price tag does represent a true proportional reflection of added cruising qualities over your 40 k boat? I used to drive a BMW but I got a Land Rover now. Two completely different vehicles, different prices too. I enjoy driving these days!