Croatia sets up compulsory reporting.

16 May 2001
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The following is circulating around the CA Mediterranean section:-

Bob Duncan has forwarded a translation of new regulations intended to
prevent illegal chartering, together with the covering announcement from
Agana Marina, which is set out below.

"Please be advised that New Regulations have been issued by the Croatian
Government concerning the use of boats in Croatian Waters. The main
emphasis is on using the boat for illegal chartering. The regulations also
apply to us ­the marina ­ and we have to also insist on a change of

For your own sake please read these instructions and obey them, the legal
consequences could be very severe and might involve the confiscation of the
boat or expulsion from Croatia waters, or both.

The Marina now has to keep a log of all movements. If you take the boat out
of the marina for even as little as half an hour we must be told. We also
have to keep a record of all persons arriving on your boat or leaving it.
This is in addition to the current regulations of reporting the same
information to the nearest Harbour Master.

This has been made so serious an offence that we have to state that should
these conditions not be adhered to we will be 'forced to cancel the contract
with you and there will be no refund.'"

PERSONALLY, I shall continue to avoid this tin pot state until it learns to behave like the European country it aspires to be. It would seem that the methodology of communism dies slowly.

Steve Cronin


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1 Feb 2004
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YES, I agree. It is unbelievable how arrogant this country is. They think that they can do anything because the coast and sea looks nice. On other hand one is charged for almost everything at the level which is ridiculous. I have been sailing in that area since 1984, including the years of war (1996--) but this year we will sail from Slovenia to Italy and than south to Ionians sea. Maybe all they want is to have the country for them selfs. Fine with me.



14 Feb 2004
Sydney and Australian East Coast
Surely there is a lot of over-reaction here. I have read the offical Croatian announcement (.pdf pointed to below and on Scuttlebut) and it seems to be very little changed from what was in force last year. Perhaps those who have a number of families sharing a boat will be affected but for most other cruisers who are not trying to bypass chartering laws it is the same:
1) Pay a fee for a yearly cruising permit.
2) Provide a crew list. No need to report again unless there is a change of crew.
3) Multiple entry/exit within the 12 mths validity of the permit.
4) Certificate of competence for flagged country - but change is to tighter requirements after 2006 if the flagged country has no special certification.
5) If you add or subtract a crew, notify port captain- this is a simple no-cost process, I did it last year when our daughter jumped ship in Croatia to travel overland.

I really don't think the Croats deserve this kind of over-reaction which will effect very few genuine cruisers and should not be blown out of proportion such that
the average cruiser is put off from visiting a very pretty and friendly cruising ground.



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1 Feb 2004
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The major point for me is that they can take your boat. Crew list can have double the number of registered persons. Now it can happen that one have more than this number of people visiting him or her on the boat. And I am not talking about illegal chartering. In case they find that the person is not on your list, thay may take your boat. This can happen in the event that you have visiting friends and you take them to short trip to near bay. As far I know the Croat authorities, they will.



Well-known member
23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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I think you will admit that any Croatian is likely to handle any potential problem differently according to the person's nationality. In other words, bad news if you're Slovene (or perhaps Italian), probably not so bad if you're something else. (And it cuts both ways: I've heard plenty of Croatians moan about officious Slovene officials!). What concerns me is not that Croatia is falling back into Communist habits but that it wants to outeuro the Northern Europeans in squeaky-clean Euro-membership!
All paperwork and officialdom is a bore, in whatever country. Hang the lot of them! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


New member
24 Feb 2002
Here is the link for the relevant document on the official Croatian National Tourist Board site.

These proposals could present difficulties for those who sail with a regular change of crew, but for those of us who sail without a constant stream of visitors it will have no impact at all. For us Croatia will remain the least beurocratic country in the Med, just as it is today.

If you have not yet visited Croatia, do not allow youself to be put off by some of the negative comments on this thread. It offers the best cruising in the Mediterranean and the locals are delightful. There are literally 1000s of anchorages where you can spend the night free of charge yet there is always a marina (on the pricey side, I agree) nearby if you need one. We have enjoyed some of our cheapest cruising there despite the annual charge which, in my book, is money very well spent.


New member
28 Mar 2004
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Such a good idea I never heard ! Stay where you are and do not take course N ! Try to find another "thin pot State"!