Crew Required - Kinsale to Lymington, 14th - 21st October


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29 Apr 2003
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We are in the final stages of buying a boat in Kinsale which I want to get back before the days get much shorter and the weather even less reliable.

The draft plan is

- Friday14th October Fly Heathrow to Cork . Spend the afternoon testing systems on board to find out what needs to be fixed if anything. Retire to Kinsale YC where Guinness and Murphy's can both be tested without moving bar stool, and only 100 yards back to the boat.

- Saturday 15th Sea Trial for approx 2 hours, fix anything that needs fixing, food shopping.

- Sunday 16th, depart Kinsale at first light, 24hours to Scillies (not intending to stop)

- Monday 17th, another 10hours to Falmouth. (The last bit is tide critical, ie catching the flood from Scillies, to clear Lizard 6 hours later). Alternative stop would be Newlyn.

- Tuesday 18th Falmouth to Salcombe

- Wednesday 19th Salcombe to Weymouth/Portland

- Thursday 20th home to Lymington

This allows 2 or 3 days spare, in case of any delays. If weather dicates, we might need to leave the boat somewhere. You could jump ship on any of the south coast ports. Minimum objective is to get the boat back to the UK, then as far as possible by Saturday 22nd, so I don’t need to keep flying to Cork.

Obviously the biggest factor is the weather. I am not going to be stupid about setting off, especially in a boat which is new to me, but I am not going to wait for nice sunny days with an F4 on the beam either.

I would ask you to pay your own travel, meals ashore, I will pay all the boat costs and vittals.

I already have one solid crew member (a GP) to do the whole trip. Both of us are YM's. Two others have offered to catch up after the weekend.

The boat is well found.

Safety and enjoyment both very important. Very limited or no booze while on passage; smoking limited to the aft deck only; language is not always in line with the Queen's English.

I have had one bad experience taking a complete stranger off shore, so will want to have a good chat maybe by phone with no obligation on either side. If we have already met, then all the better. Sense of humour essential !

Please PM me if interested.
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15 Nov 2004
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Excellent - great news ...

You'll be sad/happy* to hear I won't be able to offer my services for your delivery trip. Already had one holiday and another coming up - I've not got enough left!

* delete as appropriate! :p


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19 Jan 2004
Muckle Flugga
Yup agree quite capable, we bought our 40 foot boat back to the solent from Howth a few years ago.. Ma*****ian.
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Well-known member
12 Aug 2004
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Nick, hope it works out. I have to confess to not being familiar with the Starlight 39 so I looked the model up. Wow! Looks a real cracker. But then, what's a mere stinkie's opinion worth. :D


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19 Jan 2004
Muckle Flugga
Nick, hope it works out. I have to confess to not being familiar with the Starlight 39 so I looked the model up. Wow! Looks a real cracker. But then, what's a mere stinkie's opinion worth. :D

agree.... their a bit elusive... it was on my wish list about 5 years ago but i never managed to find one.


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29 Apr 2003
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I trust you will get the proverbial finger out re that trip. Simon Keeling has a few words to contribute regarding the portents for that period....


Yeah I know - not had a chance to watch the video yet but have been looking at other forecasts. Short of jumping on board with a few bags of food and setting sail, not much I can do except sit it out and wait for a window to at lease get to Falmouth.

Planning to leave first light SUnday - trouble is, I tried that once before on a previous but the fecking crew were still chatting away to the early hours and I couldnt get the blighters out of there pit ;)


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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I'm very impressed by your planning a shake-down first, a lot of delivery trips fail due to that being skipped...

I can't make it I'm afraid,- would have loved to - so good luck & have fun, take a waterproof-ish camera too !



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29 Apr 2003
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I'm very impressed by your planning a shake-down first, a lot of delivery trips fail due to that being skipped...

Well thank you Seajet, I am not accustomed to receiving positive remarks on this forum ! :)

We paid for Celestine in full today so she is ours !!! :):)

Got a good deal on insurance from GJW, with a strong recommendation from a local surveyor. Previously through Craftinsure for 8 years but experience of a recent claim through Nav&Gen was not as slick as I would have expected.

Full crew assembled and met for initial bonding on Saturday - 2 engineers, a doctor, and erm .... me.

Roll on Friday!


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9 Apr 2007
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Best of luck with the trip.

One thing to look out for is the gas rigs south of Kinsale. They're on the rhumb line and they don't like you trying to sail between them. In fact you might well be stopped by a guard boat.

Enjoy the trip.


Well-known member
15 Feb 2003
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We paid for Celestine in full today so she is ours !!! :):)

Full crew assembled and met for initial bonding on Saturday - 2 engineers, a doctor, and erm .... me.

Roll on Friday!

Congratulations on the purchase, you will not be disappointed, I trust.
I will be very interested in comparing notes as you get to know the boat, as I too bought a Starlight 39 in June.
Have a safe trip and Enjoy!