Covid Rules - When is it enough


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10 Nov 2018
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My friend lives in Gibraltar where everyone has been double vaccinated. To get on a flight to the UK he needs a negative PCR test (£120). Everyone on the plane has a negative PCR test (£120 each). He gets to the UK and transfers to a domestic flight to N. Ireland. Everyone in the airport that he might come in contact with has passed a negative PCR test (£120 each). When he get to N.I. he has to isolate for 10 days. On the 2nd days he has to take a PCR test (£120). On the 8th day he has to take another £120 PCR test.

In what *'king universe is the tvat that invented this string of events living? There must be some sanction the citizenship of this sceptered isle can visit upon its leadership for this level of stupidity.... and if it's not stupidity what is it?


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26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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When this all started I was for all the restrictions needed to keep us all safe but now it seen its getting to the stages to becoming a money making thing not only the charges for PCR test but the cost of hotels to people have to use to isolate in .
The same hotel that before all this you could stay over night for £25 now charging 1700 for 10 days
How good are these test any way a Germay couple two boats from us had the test to return to Germany one tested negative while the other positive next test both negative 10 days in isolation.


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12 Oct 2009
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My friend lives in Gibraltar where everyone has been double vaccinated. To get on a flight to the UK he needs a negative PCR test (£120). Everyone on the plane has a negative PCR test (£120 each). He gets to the UK and transfers to a domestic flight to N. Ireland. Everyone in the airport that he might come in contact with has passed a negative PCR test (£120 each). When he get to N.I. he has to isolate for 10 days. On the 2nd days he has to take a PCR test (£120). On the 8th day he has to take another £120 PCR test.

In what *'king universe is the tvat that invented this string of events living? There must be some sanction the citizenship of this sceptered isle can visit upon its leadership for this level of stupidity.... and if it's not stupidity what is it?

Because there still isn't (yet) enough evidence to prove that he's unlikely to be carrying the virus into the UK, despite being vaccinated. Once there is, vaccine passports are likely to replace the need for tests and quarantine.


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
In what *'king universe is the tvat that invented this string of events living? There must be some sanction the citizenship of this sceptered isle can visit upon its leadership for this level of stupidity.... and if it's not stupidity what is it?
Each nation needs to satisfy itself that your friend and every other traveler is COVID free. The leadership failed the nation for months and are just getting up to speed with Pandemic 101.

How would your friend feel if he got the bill for the healthcare of an outbreak following their visit?


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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My family live in New Zealand. I was due to go out there for my mother's 85th in January, but decided to hold off on buying flights when we started looking last March. Saved some money.
But the border is still effectively sealed shut and I'm not sure when or if I'll see my elderly father again.
NZ has had 25 deaths from Covid and has no lockdown in place, so I fully support what the government is doing.
But I have very little sympathy for your friend's complaints.

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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My friend lives in Gibraltar where everyone has been double vaccinated. To get on a flight to the UK he needs a negative PCR test (£120). Everyone on the plane has a negative PCR test (£120 each). He gets to the UK and transfers to a domestic flight to N. Ireland. Everyone in the airport that he might come in contact with has passed a negative PCR test (£120 each). When he get to N.I. he has to isolate for 10 days. On the 2nd days he has to take a PCR test (£120). On the 8th day he has to take another £120 PCR test.

In what *'king universe is the tvat that invented this string of events living? There must be some sanction the citizenship of this sceptered isle can visit upon its leadership for this level of stupidity.... and if it's not stupidity what is it?
How much is the life of somebody else's father or grandfather worth? If your friend has to be financially inconvenienced in his traveling arrangements in order to keep somebody else's grandfather alive and well then it's worth it.


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14 Sep 2018
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All of this is a very good business at the end of the day. Pay or you will not be able to fly or move. I heard in UK they made fines up to 7 000 pounds (!) for people who will go on vacation to Spain until end of June. So they don't tell you not to go officially but if you decide to g be ready :sneaky: Interesting times we live in. Sometimes I just think of getting cheap property for sale in Paphos and moving there to live with dear to my heart people.
6 Nov 2011
South coast/ Portsmouth
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My friend lives in Gibraltar where everyone has been double vaccinated. To get on a flight to the UK he needs a negative PCR test (£120). Everyone on the plane has a negative PCR test (£120 each). He gets to the UK and transfers to a domestic flight to N. Ireland. Everyone in the airport that he might come in contact with has passed a negative PCR test (£120 each). When he get to N.I. he has to isolate for 10 days. On the 2nd days he has to take a PCR test (£120). On the 8th day he has to take another £120 PCR test.

In what *'king universe is the tvat that invented this string of events living? There must be some sanction the citizenship of this sceptered isle can visit upon its leadership for this level of stupidity.... and if it's not stupidity what is it?
Yep, it's all OTT and an incorrectly focussed and unsustainable ( in many ways, not just economic) lockdown strategy , as we will have to live with it, whatever (and the next iteration of HxNx - it will be about every two or so years, as it has been so far...just got lucky, that's all). Look it up...! The REAL issues are about not presently treating causes but the ignoring educating the uneducated public on industrial animal farming systems, and the overuse of antibiotics and other chemicals, and changing the aforesaid; China, all aspects, period; but most of all, THE UK issue is, and has been for over two decades and more, a badly led, under resourced health and social care system.... but, hey, there's more ?.... maybe worse of all for boat cruising guys and gals is the selfish GIB gov pushing to be part of Schengen. Now that is crap!


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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All of this is a very good business at the end of the day. Pay or you will not be able to fly or move. I heard in UK they made fines up to 7 000 pounds (!) for people who will go on vacation to Spain until end of June. So they don't tell you not to go officially but if you decide to g be ready :sneaky: Interesting times we live in. Sometimes I just think of getting cheap property for sale in Paphos and moving there to live with dear to my heart people.

Nope, UK citizens have been officially told not to go, the fine is for being in an airport, international station or port without the correct paperwork showing you have reason to be there. They're checking every traveler. You don't get to go to Spain, then pay on your return.


New member
14 Sep 2018
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All of this is a very good business at the end of the day. Pay or you will not be able to fly or move. I heard in UK they made fines up to 7 000 pounds (!) for people who will go on vacation to Spain until end of June. So they don't tell you not to go officially but if you decide to g be ready :sneaky: Interesting times we live in. Sometimes I just think of getting cheap property for sale in Paphos here and moving there to live with dear to my heart people.

Nope, UK citizens have been officially told not to go, the fine is for being in an airport, international station or port without the correct paperwork showing you have reason to be there. They're checking every traveler. You don't get to go to Spain, then pay on your return.

This is crazy, like a prison... you are free but not free :D


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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This is crazy, like a prison... you are free but not free :D

I can't wear a mask, my human rights are being violated when they won't let me go into the supermarket
I'm legally blind, my human rights are being violated when they won't let me drive on the motorway

I don't want the government tracking me through a vaccine passport
They don't need to, they already have your land registry details, car registration, inland revenue and NHS numbers, and you freely give your life to social media, your mobile phone and internet provider and your smart tv provider. And yes, we do know your browsing history.

They won't let me travel without a vaccine passport, my civil rights are being violated.
They won't let you travel without a passport, full stop.

I want everything I want because I want it
You are a two year old and this is a pandemic.


26 May 2003
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They're checking every traveler.

Are they? They certainly didn't check me last month in any way. I didn't even see a PC or Border Control officer at Manchester. I think it would be more helpful if you posted the factual legal constraints pertaining to international travel rather than Sun-isms or Mail-isms. And yes, I was interrogated by armed officers when I arrived at my destination. Guess why! Coz all officers there are armed all of the time and it is their job to interrogate all arrivals, with which I have no issue.
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Well-known member
27 Apr 2006
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My family live in New Zealand. I was due to go out there for my mother's 85th in January, but decided to hold off on buying flights when we started looking last March. Saved some money.
But the border is still effectively sealed shut and I'm not sure when or if I'll see my elderly father again.
NZ has had 25 deaths from Covid and has no lockdown in place, so I fully support what the government is doing.
But I have very little sympathy for your friend's complaints.
Your border in New Zealand is not sealed shut. Visiting boats cant go to NZ unless they agree to spend $50,000NZ when they get there! So nobody can go there unless you pay lots of money. Double standards and hypocrisy come to mind


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14 Aug 2009
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How much is the life of somebody else's father or grandfather worth? If your friend has to be financially inconvenienced in his traveling arrangements in order to keep somebody else's grandfather alive and well then it's worth it.
How great is the risk of harm, that justifies the string of events?

Coming from a low-infection country, having a PCR test just before departure and another 2 days after landing. And having been vaccinated. Would you like to quantify the risk that the traveller becomes infected between these tests - given everyone on the plane was tested? What's the point of the second test if he's staying in quarantine anyway?

What's the harm you think we're avoiding, when everyone's grandfather's been vaccinated, and the risk to their father (say, under 50) is around 0.01pc - if indeed he gets infected which is incredibly unlikely in itself.

What difference does it make anyway?
Why the travel ban must be lifted


Well-known member
27 Apr 2006
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How great is the risk of harm, that justifies the string of events?

Coming from a low-infection country, having a PCR test just before departure and another 2 days after landing. And having been vaccinated. Would you like to quantify the risk that the traveller becomes infected between these tests - given everyone on the plane was tested? What's the point of the second test if he's staying in quarantine anyway?

What's the harm you think we're avoiding, when everyone's grandfather's been vaccinated, and the risk to their father (say, under 50) is around 0.01pc - if indeed he gets infected which is incredibly unlikely in itself.

What difference does it make anyway?
Why the travel ban must be lifted
The concern is new variants that may be immune to our current vaccine. The UK has over 40% of the world genome capability. We know what variants we have . We dont know what variants are out in the rest of the world. The import of an unknow variant could render our current vaccine programme obsolete.


Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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Are they? They certainly didn't check me last month in any way. I didn't even see a PC or Border Control officer at Manchester. I think it would be more helpful if you posted the factual legal constraints pertaining to international travel rather than Sun-isms or Mail-isms. And yes, I was interrogated by armed officers when I arrived at my destination. Guess why! Coz all officers there are armed all of the time and it is their job to interrogate all arrivals, with which I have no issue.

As it only became law last week, that's not too surprising. They were certainly checking when I was dropping off kit to ship out to a team in the Netherlands..