Covid passports only valid for three month

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22 Oct 2005
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I downloaded my covid passport today. Two doses. It is only valid until 30 september. I can find no information about what happens when it expires. Probably totally useless. A quick call to my vaccination centre got the response that I must be back in Sweden before September 30, or quarantine will apply if no test before the flight back.

Consider that my first flight to my boat is 24 july that gives me permission to visit my boat for about two month.

I will keep looking to see if it can be can renewed on line. At the moment it seems nobody has considered the traveller outside the tourest spectrum. Anybody got an answer to this. My Caribbean plans are on hold. I cannot get there (or any where else) after commissioning the boat and flight times to get to the boat.
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22 Oct 2005
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More info from my neighbour who works in the local clinic. He says it must be renewable on line until the governments get worried about the varients. Varients are the problem. Otherwise they are admitting that vaccinations are onle effective for three month. A business traveller would be back on PCR tests after 180 days. Not good for business.

Edit. Sunday morning 4th july . Please disregard this thread. The 90 day validity is a Swedish security measure.
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8 Apr 2011
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you only have to look at 3 month old youtube video reports about covid to realise that governments,immunologists,virologists and health services don't have a clue what the global situation will be in 3 months time with covid


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22 Oct 2005
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you only have to look at 3 month old youtube video reports about covid to realise that governments,immunologists,virologists and health services don't have a clue what the global situation will be in 3 months time with covid
I agree, i see the sense of a three month limit, but it seems to follow the trend of renewable licences ssr, passports, Icc, dog license etc. I expect a demand to renew my birth certificate soon.

Due to circumstances
beyond my control
I am the master of my fate
and captain of my soul.

That well known proverb needs updating.


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8 Apr 2011
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I agree, i see the sense of a three month limit, but it seems to follow the trend of renewable licences ssr, passports, Icc, dog license etc. I expect a demand to renew my birth certificate soon.

Due to circumstances
beyond my control
I am the master of my fate
and captain of my soul.

That well known proverb needs updating.
i suspect with in 3 months time,those that were jabbed back in march-april and again in june will need to have a booster jab for their vaccine certificates to remain valid.
untill some sort of herd immunity is achieved by vaccinating 85% of the world population,booster jabs and certificates will be fact of life for travel between areas with different variants and rates of infection.
hopefully some sort of standardization of certificates,and easy access to innocculation will prevail,similar to what has existed for yellow fever.
This is assuming that their is no immune escape with new more deadly variants,which could put international travel back to quarantine and essential travel only status,as has happened currently in australia


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22 Oct 2005
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i suspect with in 3 months time,those that were jabbed back in march-april and again in june will need to have a booster jab for their vaccine certificates to remain valid.
untill some sort of herd immunity is achieved by vaccinating 85% of the world population,booster jabs and certificates will be fact of life for travel between areas with different variants and rates of infection.
hopefully some sort of standardization of certificates,and easy access to innocculation will prevail,similar to what has existed for yellow fever.
This is assuming that their is no immune escape with new more deadly variants,which could put international travel back to quarantine and essential travel only status,as has happened currently in australia
Yes. A high ranking WHO doctor just yesterday announced that covid will never be exterminated. In particilar humanity must learn to live with masks and social distancing for the forseeable future. I hope he is wrong. I think this will be the end of world cruising in a sail-boat. A three year circumnavigation will be too harrassing. Not many do it, but a lot dream of a circumnavigation. What else is there to live for? There is only so much fun to be had tinkering with yoir boat in the garden.


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22 Oct 2005
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Just checked my Spanish certificate only gives a valid from date no mention of how long it is valid.
I have heard the same from another well known poster. On my covid certificate it states in two places that it is only valid until September 30. Perhaps this is a Swedish thing. The wording is outside and just above the square code box thing that is scanned. It says precisely Vaccination certificate/Vaccinationsbevis. Valid until/Giltig till 2021-09-30. In two languages.
I read the official EUCovid site and it does state that all member states have agreed to 180 day validity. Maybe the ever cautious Swedes are playing safe and doing their own thing and treating a minimum advice as a maximum.


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22 Oct 2005
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Portuguese certificate is the same. No date of expiry given.
Fantastic that is now four people who do not have a covid certificate with a validity statement. I am delighted. Perhaps I can white out that line. How do I do that in a supposed tamper free document. I am now wondering if this validity thing is also embedded in the square scanned box thing. Wonderful, is there an app I can read that square box thing with. Up to now I must assume that my certificate will expire on September 30. Oh the gloom of it.


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22 Oct 2005
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There have been warnings on the net not to apply until required for this reason.
I now believe the Swedish health people have got it wrong. I have just wasted another hour on the EU covid certificat site. There is an ammendment to the rules which says that people who have recovered from the virus as an illness must restrict the covid certificate for a maximum of 180 days from the positive test following the recovery. It also states that for double jabbed people there is no limit to the validity. The site also states that the format of the QRcode box is uniform throughout the schengen area.

Sorry for the alert. I have survived full blown covid and I have also had two jabs. (Later than my recovery) The software seems to have got muddled as to the priority of validity. Other survivers of wild covid should watch for this. I will have to complain to the swdish health system for sending me the wrong certificate. Well at least it was not a wasted post for me.


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22 Oct 2005
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I have been in contact with Swedish health system and they have been swamped with complaints about missing vaccines not recorded.on the certificate. I don't know if this is my problem because I have no idea what the EU covid certificat should look like. They have identified a file transfer error and they are under high pressure to correct it during the weekend. So I need help from those of you that have a unlimited validity. This is what my certificate says.

Number in a series of vaccinations/doses and the overall number of doses in the series.
Dose 2 of 2.
Disease or agent targeted
Vaccine medicinal producy
Covid-19 vaccine
Vaccine marketing authorization holder or manufacturer
Biontech GmbH
Date of vaccination, indicating the date of the latest dose

Thats it folk. It looks good to me. But that first entry 2 of 2 I think means i have had two doses in a series of 2. However it may mean second dose of two. Should it read for two doses = 1 of 2 for the first dose and 2 of 2 for the second dose. I am advised that any missing doses will be corrected during the weekend and i should download new certificates until two doses are recorded.

I could be wasting my time and I am deciding which flight to book so it would be nice to know from your certificate if there is a missing dose. If I Google 2 of 2, it says the second document of two. In that case I have a missing dose to explain the 180 day limited validity. Thanks. Sorry for the wrong forum. I started this thread as a liveaboard problem.
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