if i have one foot in the freezer and one in the oven, on average i'll be comfortable. you may have a flat calm as we had or F9. it could come from anywhere. it you're patient and watch weather patterns carefully you'll have a good chance of fair winds.
Snowleopard, you have a nice way of saying that the weather is unpredictable! But tell me how do you manage to get one foot in the freezer and one in the oven in your boat. Sureley, you must be very fit to do that /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
if i ever wanted to, it would be very simple as they are at the same level and only 3 ft apart /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
but it's a serious point that the only time you can rely on the winds shown on a pilot chart is in areas like the trades where 90%+ of the wind is from one quarter. while NE winds may be the most common at that time in biscay, i think you'll find that they are way below 50% probability. (i haven't got mine to hand at the moment)
If I avereage out my trips north across or past Biscay, i would say you are like to get something with north in it for the first bit, probably N to NE, but that quite quickly it will back westerly or south westerly. If you have to beat, head west to start with for 50 to a hundred miles if necessary before tacking. This way you should pick up the westerlies a bit earlier.
But, as I say, that is just an average of my experience.
agree with james from experience. but it is well worth having plenty of diesel because it is not unheard of to experience calm. have a good crossing we will be doing the same mid july